1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I really miss a place like MensLib. Just to be clear, that’s not Men’s Rights or any of the MRA bullshit. It’s a space for men like the feminism community where men can discuss issues, support each other, and learn without taking up space in other forums like feminism or witchesvspatriarchy.

Not that those spaces exclude men. It’s just that in order for the patriarchy to be dismantled, men have to take and active role to work on ourselves and not at the expense of women or other groups using their own spaces to support each other. Likewise, anyone would be welcome in a menslib community.

I just really miss that place to practice and encourage positive masculinity, and to rally to fight the patriarchy.

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It’s always the ones you most suspect…

That was a really good read and it made a lot of things click for me regarding social media and my relationship with it. Thank you!

Started with a $50 aluminum Lamy, now I have a brass Kaweco that was about $220. I have a shelf full of inks now.

Help me….


This better not awaken anything in me…

That’s always your choice. I think the consensus for the community is that we support the admins because Beehaw isn’t intended to replace Reddit or Twitter. We’re all here to have a more intimate community, like a local coffee shop where you know everyone. My experience has been that these kinds of intimate gatherings allow for more diversity, while maintaining a safer space. We can have respectful differences of opinion without worrying about the hostility that often follows disagreements online. Like a coffee shop, the desire for social cohesion has more of an influence than the desire to be right at all costs like on Twitter/Reddit. Just my two cents. I’m supportive of this, because I know if I ever have a concern I can talk to my friends (Beehaw team) about it. If we can’t agree, I can always find a new friend group and neither party will have hard feelings. I’d like to think it won’t come to that, because of the kind of community Beehaw is. This is exactly the same decision I would make if it were my call.

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My dude, you are Kenough.

Every. Single. One.

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Corncob TV: Just hours of naked, dead bodies busting through shit wood.

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Just to clarify, I’m a regular user and not an admin. I’ve contributed a little money to support the cost of running the servers and that’s about it. Beyond that, I don’t think the team running Beehaw is obligated to do more than what they’re doing. Like a local coffee shop is allowed to run their space however they want. I know what you’re saying, but those kinds of decisions would have to have been made a year and a half ago, and would’ve had to have predicted the current influx of Reddit users abandoning the platform. The discussions around how to technically manage Beehaw (to include forking Lemmy so there can be all kinds of changes) don’t take into account the unpaid labor from a small group of volunteers and the monumental effort some of these changes would require. I understand that you’re upset and this is inconvenient, but we all have to come to terms with this decision, just like we came to terms with the undesirable changes at Twitter and Reddit. We can all adapt or abandon the platform. Just don’t forget that Beehaw isn’t run by a billionaire or a company trying to seek an IPO. It’s people. Just like you and me, who are volunteering their spare time and effort to make a cool space for us to hang out with friends.

Wait until those people meet Texans. Around where I live Texans are not thought of kindly, for historical reasons, as well as current behavioral reasons.

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I think it’s mostly due to advertising impacted by the strike. I watched it this week and really liked it honestly. I’m glad the strike had this kind of impact, though most people are going to chalk it up to all sorts of other issues and won’t give credit to the labor movement I’ll bet.

That’s not how I see it. This is nuanced. I don’t think all-or-nothing is a healthy approach either. This instance will federate by default to most instances until they provide a reason (as given in the OP) that continued federation is untenable. In the coffee shop vibe, everyone is welcome, but if a big, loud, and rowdy group shows up, and the coffee shop staff does t ask them to chill or leave if they are disruptive, the regulars are going to find another coffee shop (see the evaporative cooling post from Gaywallet). I think this is the behavior that this community/instance is expecting. Again, if folks don’t like it, they are welcome to spin their own instances. The more the merrier! However, this community is a safe space, and that will be maintained even if it’s inconvenient. Beehaw will never be in a position of growth-at-all costs like Reddit is going through right now. That’s how you turn your corner coffee shop into Starbucks.

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I’ll help them pack. If I could never hear from that fucking state again, I’d be happy.

I’ve really been digging the show. It kind of reminds me of the book version of wayward pines (the show version never happened, much like the avatar the last airbender movie).

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I used to use nicotine patches + coffee and it was basically like being in Ritalin.

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Wait, what? For real? Thats shitty.


Yeah. I have all 3 on audiobook it haven’t started them yet.

I just switched from Xfinity 1200 Mbps cable to Verizon 5GUW home internet @ 350Mbps. The Verizon plan has been consistently outperforming the Xfinity plan. It was really unreliable\flaky. I’d drop work calls and data transfers, or get booted from games multiple times a week. I opened so many tickets over the course of 5 years and it never really improved. My Verizon plan has been rock solid for about 6 mo now. Also the Xfinity plan was ~$120/mo. Verizon is locked in at $35/mo for 10 years and no data caps. I’m not gonna be looking back.

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Yeah that’s the offer out of the gate if you’re an existing Verizon customer.

I think I’m OOTL, what’s wrong with 5G?

I liked that way more than I was expecting to like it. I admittedly went in with low expectations but really enjoyed it an will be looking for more of their music. Thanks!

You don’t want to touch that with your bare hands. Safer to use a magnet to make the transfer.

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Aka New Years Day!

TIL Jelly Roll is a serious country music artist. As god is my witness I thought he was a rapper.

Yeah I was being super facetious. Those things are trashed.

Winona Ryder?