Silo Season 2 Confirmed At Apple TV+ to – 28 points –
Silo Season 2 Confirmed At Apple TV+

I’ve been watching season 1. The world is intriguing. Some of the episodes feel slow or like filler. But a new mystery dystopia show is refreshing.


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I’ve really been digging the show. It kind of reminds me of the book version of wayward pines (the show version never happened, much like the avatar the last airbender movie).

The show is also based on a book I believe.

Totally agree, the avatar the last air bender film should be erased from history.

Yeah. I have all 3 on audiobook it haven’t started them yet.

The books are one of my favourite scifi books of all time. They are incredible. The TV series does well but it misses a lot of the class politics and the fragility inherent to the silo. In the book, everybody has a reason to act the way they do. There are no "baddies".

Wayward pines (the show) could have been great but like many other shows they had the characters make the dumbest decisions. Like why bother lying to everyone and make it look like some quaint town? That's a recipe for disaster.

I never read the book(s?) But I can't imagine using all those resources to keep humans around and then just forget to include a lab to make new drugs/antibiotics.