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Joined 1 years ago

I wonder if the ISP got charged as well lol

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It’s actually:

  1. US 42.8 bn

  2. Germany 7.5 bn

  3. UK 6.6 bn

  4. EU Institutions 5.6 bn

  5. Poland 3 bn

(This list is military aid only.)

Getting a bit tired of the Poland strong propaganda.
Source: Ukraine Support Tracker, ifw Kiel.

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Why? Is it annoying to you that there is finally some device with out of the box usable Linux for gaming?

It’s not like there aren’t any trackers that lack any and all protection. I don’t really see the manufacturer at fault here.

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Isn’t that something people do? In Germany many people flash their high beams if there is police, speed trap or danger.

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Was fidgeting around with a lighter when I thought I could get the flame bigger with more pressure. So I thought it might be a good idea to use the refill bottle for that. While preparing it I thought, if that explodes I might burn the house down and maybe lose a hand.

For some reason my curiosity got the better of me and I went ahead. Of course it went wrong, luckily only the lighter exploded and all the gas in the air around it, I remember it as a bright flash of heat accompanied by a bang. I thought, I must be disfigured now but luckily only the hair on my arm was burned off and my eyelashes a bit singed.

So that’s probably one of the dumbest dangerous things I did. Was a teenager at the time though.

I’ve recently discovered Organic Maps that allows offline viewing of open street maps. I’ve been using it since has completely gone down the drain with premium subscriptions and paid download limits (for the same open street maps data lol).

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Then Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania would be top three in that order with Poland only paying half as much in %GDP as Estonia

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Lol, 1000x is such bullshit. It’s hopelessly stacked digital zoom or idiotic lens measurements. 1000x is about the absolute maximum with classic light microscopes and those that can do it are quite expensive. Buy some cheap (stereo)microscope for $100 from some company like amscope (maybe used) and it will be much better and be useful for other stuff.

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There’s a saying in German that my grandmother sometimes used, it roughly translates to “The person is good but the people are bad” (Der Mensch ist gut, aber die Leut sind schlecht).

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I breed various species of roaches (Emerald roaches, Madagascar hissing roaches, glowspot roaches and Simandoa conserfariam). They are very social creatures with favourite sitting spots and fights when someone challenges that. There are also only very few species that infest homes (about 20-30 out of 4600) the rest live in forests and caves and don’t want to have anything to do with humans. They also clean themselves a lot. There are also a lot of very pretty species.

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Horrible abomination to anyone who read the books.

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It’s something that happens when you give people weapons and let them loose in another country knowing there is little oversight or consequences. Just allows the bad guys to finally do what they want. The “regular people” contain an underestimated amount of assholes.

pedantic_mode 1

The definition of “race” varies widely between different demographics and contexts. In a biological context which you seem to be insinuating, “race” is either nonsensical or an ancient synonym for species.

pedantic mode 0

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This is what people don’t get. Information is always unreliable when not from a trusted source. Just because it’s easier to generate that kind of information now doesn’t mean it’s a new problem.

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GoT still amazes me. How the hell could they fuck it up so incredibly hard that it retroactively ruined the show and the fucking source material for almost anyone I know including myself? I mean, that shouldn’t be possible.

Tbh, Lego competitors are superior at the moment

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4 species of roaches (Pseudoglomeris magnifica being the prettiest in my opinion), 3 species of isopods (Merulanella sp. scarlet being my favourite) and 2 species of beetles as well as shrimp and snails in an aquarium.

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Dude, without capitalism we’d be living in flying maglev RVs on mars with free robot labour bro

Also them just being wheels in general which are one of the most efficient and simple ways to move stuff.

That’s a really old accusation made since the 60s I think.

In reality people learn how to write lyrics because they listen to songs. Nobody writes a song without listening to thousands of them and many human written songs are really similar to each other. Otherwise the music industry wouldn’t be littered with lawsuits. I don’t really see the difference.

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For TV shows, I am just fed up with stuff not being available in my country. If you don’t want to sell it to me, I’m not going to pay. Or all the studios having their own streaming services. I pay for Netflix and Amazon Prime. Those were supposed to be the new Blockbuster kind of thing, if you want to fragment the market so much that I’d be paying close to a hundred dollars then it’s simply not something I’d could buy anyway. So if I’m not able to afford it I can just pirate, no customer lost. Also, because it’s fucking easy and often more convenient than streaming services.

Once a day usually, not always. Sometimes a little less but when it’s really hot outside I take 2. If I was living in Brasil, I’d take 2.

They literally created the webpage. Always assume the owner has absolute power over everything.

Anthropocentrism is good.

Is this NCD content?

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The whole social system is centred around alcohol.


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I created @insect_photography during the migration and it started off nicely. Activity has gone down though so be welcome to just check in if you’re interested or have something to share!

Where do you get that from?

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I have them on, I think it’s quite annoying if there’s something urgent and you can’t tell if the text got read or not.

Have you considered using a Google alternative?

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True but it might be one of the few reasons websites are even optimised for something else than chrome these days.

Shin Bet is responsible

They’re farmed and supposed to be quite tasty since their skeleton is not completely ossified. Don’t know about the second part though.

Antisemitism isn't and was never exclusive to Nazis

Half cash, half card. I’m from Germany and I think that giving banks the level of control they’d have in a cashless society is one of the dumbest things a society can do.

As a German, I was amazed how well I could bully my way through traffic in Greece with a large van (I think it was necessary though since there were no apparent traffic rules).

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If you really want to buy something invest in a hobby of yours. Buy an instrument, used camera lens, whatever you need to do something you like. Stuff like this may last you a long time if you stick with the hobby.