An old pic, but since Ukraine is about to get another bil from Uncle Sam... to – 290 points –

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It’s actually:

  1. US 42.8 bn

  2. Germany 7.5 bn

  3. UK 6.6 bn

  4. EU Institutions 5.6 bn

  5. Poland 3 bn

(This list is military aid only.)

Getting a bit tired of the Poland strong propaganda.
Source: Ukraine Support Tracker, ifw Kiel.

Do you also believe a flat tax is fair?

Country, Spend, GDP, % of GDP

Poland, 3, 679.4, 0.44%

US, 42.8, 23320, 0.18%

Germany, 7.5, 4260, 0.18%

UK, 6.6, 3131, 0.21%

Then Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania would be top three in that order with Poland only paying half as much in %GDP as Estonia

Estonia πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Do you also believe a flat tax is fair?

I think you might be looking for the term "head tax", as in each person pays a fixed amount regardless of any other characteristics.

Were doing what we can. I wouldn't call it propaganda. Please also consider each country GDP. Everyone have limited resources. Poland GDP is 5 times smaller than Germany or Japan and 36 times smaller than US

The US also is kind of built up to be able to almost single handedly be NATO. Our defensive strategies involve using EU countries as bases. We have a vastly different goal with our military stockpiles. (Other than making defense contractors money I mean.)

Well it is when the piss party is trying to convince everyone that Poland is the only country in the EU really helping, especially vs Germany.

This is military aid only.

Yes, it literally says "Military aid" at the top

Edited my comment to clarify that I meant my list. Overall aid would look different US > EU > UK > Germany > Japan > Canada > Poland

Also the EU funds are mainly paid for by the net-payers in the EU Like france, Germany etc.

Also the estimated value for the old polish Tank that we're transfered was weirdly high

They're probably old numbers in the comic. Do you have per capita aid figures? Rough calculations say

US $130/p

Germany $90/p

UK $99/p

EU Institutions $13/p (this one is weird since countries are also contributing separately?)

Poland $79/p

Aid as a share of GDP would also be interesting.

It's an old comic dude. Also you're missing the joke as well as any historical context.

Poland has been through the wringer for centuries and even ceased existing for a while. Having some issues and hating Russia are some of the least unlikely results.

Idc, I could die for the glory of Poland

POLSKA GΓ“RΔ„ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±

It probably swings back toward the scenario depicted if you divide the amount given by the total amount that those countries have available to give, but yeah, good to keep real figures in mind while we have our fun.

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