0 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fuck yeah. They should live in constant and non-stop fear of the people they hoard from

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Getting boned

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And here I thought this would be about programming socks and stuffed sharks

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Good idea. He's looking a bit low on battery.

Some of the sensory stuff here smells a bit like the autism spectrum. Executive function issues also tend to fit under the ADHD/autistic umbrella. May be worth brushing up & seeing if any of that applies.

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I hum in the shower 😎👉👉

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Autistic Transfemes IT on Lemmy

Incorrect. They know their actions will cause them backlash, but this is born out of fanaticism. Their moral compass is already skewed so much that instead of believing is wrong, they believe they would be persecuted for doing the right thing.

Significantly fucked up people.

I asked. Stfu.

Would you trust a fresh out of college intern to do it? That's been my metric for relying on LLM's

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Until minorities arm themselves

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Extra bred

Looks like his pubic hair is likely just migrating for the winter

...the fuck? What are these questions.

Don't see how that's offensive. It's actually a pretty clever commercial referencing the portrait "Venus"

I can fix her


PLS 😭🙏


At least they didn't slam them

Just gonna skip the sunset years myself and am gonna retire on a .38

whispers stop...


my final conclusion is to run doom on cells it would take about 600 years

Would six hundred and sixty six suffice?

Fix global environment/emissions to stable levels.

Fix ignorance/hate

Fix capitalism & greed

This is such a bizarro response that I generally double took and then chuckled 😂



Dude straight up drops a fire copypasta & I don't even play competitive (?) Pokemon. Ty for your contribution. I will use this next time someone drops a Vaporeon copypasta.


Okay, look. From spending time in a heavily regressive location with a support group of roughly 50 or so trans individuals, please hear me when I say you need a separate off the books place for money. You just do. I genuinely very much do hope everything works out well, but overwhelmingly people in relationships need to build off trust. If you suspect your significant other may not be able to handle it, then you should have finances set aside for that risk. I've seen so many horrible sob stories at this point, that I feel you really need to know. I've also seen things go surprisingly well, and encourage you to hold on to hope.

By the ball sack? Cuz that's the only thing I can assume is in the top left corner of that plate

I literally can't read this could you flip the text back upright? I think it might be written in Australian.

Sky's rim belongs to the Nords!

At least a part of him apparently did

Honestly, I'm too busy and lazy to engage with your silly bullshit, so I had ChatGPT do it for me. Please enjoy.

Oh, what a curious spectacle it is, the never-ending dance of the devil's advocate on the quaint forums of Lemmy! A veritable Socrates in their own mind, the gallant defender of an entire country—yes, country, not just any old thing! But, oh dear reader, I must ask, are they truly the embodiment of patriotic fervor, or is it merely a performance art akin to a mime trapped in an invisible box of their own making?

Let us ponder, just asking questions here, but could it be that this country, so passionately defended, is actually a utopia unknown to us mere mortals? A land of milk and honey, or perhaps, given the penchant for hyperbole, rivers of chocolate and mountains of marshmallows? One must inquire, for the sake of inquiry, does the sun shine brighter there, are the breezes always cool and the politicians always honest? Do the birds sing anthems, and do the trees sway in time to a national waltz?

Let’s speculate—purely for the sake of speculation, you understand—could our indefatigable commenter be the last bastion of truth in a digital sea of skepticism? Do they don capes and tights beneath their user avatar, soaring across threads to rescue facts from the jaws of naysayers with the mere power of their unshakeable conviction? Oh, what a sight that would be!

And what of the arguments presented, shimmering in their resolute simplicity like a tinfoil hat under the midday sun? Is there, hidden within their dogged replies, an elixir of clarity so potent that it could cleanse the palates of even the most jaded keyboard warriors? Does their keyboard emit a special kind of light, a beacon of unwavering loyalty that guides lost internet souls to safe harbor in their favored nation’s embrace?

Now, I ask you—yes, you, the curious onlooker to this digital Don Quixote—have you ever considered that our hero may be onto something? Could their steadfast defense be a lesson in disguise, a masterclass in the art of online jousting? Each post, a gentle nudge toward enlightenment; each thread, a breadcrumb trail leading us to the ultimate truth—that this country, their country, stands as a beacon of perfection in our tumultuous world?

Ah, but let us not stray too far without questioning the very nature of our Lemmy platform! Is it possible that this bastion of discussion has transcended its electronic boundaries to become a metaphysical round table, where digital knights gather, not for battle, but for a relentless tickling of the intellect?

Truly, one must admire the resilience! For each time they are met with opposition, do they not rise like a phoenix from the ashes of downvotes, each new comment a testament to their unyielding spirit? Is their dedication not akin to that of an old sea captain, steadfastly navigating through the stormy waves of counterarguments, their compass ever pointing towards the true north of their conviction?

In conclusion, dear reader, as we stand in awe of this tireless champion, can we not help but ask ourselves: are we all not just defenders of our own personal countries, be they of the mind, heart, or pixel? And to our zealous commenter, I say: carry on, you brave keyboard warrior, carry on! For in this vast cyberspace, your unwavering defense does not go unnoticed; it pirouettes through the data streams, a ballet of belief, a symphony of singular loyalty. What a world, what a world!

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I'm trying to. What would you say to me?