Activists spray red paint over billionaire Walmart heiress's superyacht for a second time to – 1307 points –
Activists spray red paint over billionaire Walmart heiress's superyacht for a second time | CNN

Spanish climate activists sprayed red paint across a superyacht owned by billionaire Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie in Barcelona on Friday, the second time the yacht has been the target of protests in the past two months.


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Fuck yeah. They should live in constant and non-stop fear of the people they hoard from


You really think they give a shit? About something like this? They just pay someone $200 to clean the yacht. Sink it and they just buy a new one. This isn't anything.

Lol you haven't seen many rich people have you? This is definitely something they fear.

Then they have a weird way of showing it. They're doing an awful lot of hoarding and exploitation for somebody within pitchfork distance.

I honestly hope you are correct.

The rich know there will always be people who will tell you you're protesting wrong.

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They SHOULD, but this won't accomplish that.

Let's think of something better.

Look no further than medieval French engineering!

Time for some TrebuchetMemes?

Did you know a trebuchet can use a counterweight to throw a 90KG projectile over 300 metres?

Wouldn't hurt to complement it with one of their more modern techniques - large crowds using Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, Nitrogen and Oxygen

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