Reddit mods are organizing blackouts to protest against API changes to – 2 points –

Some of the planned blackouts will be temporary, others plan to shut their subreddits down indefinitely in protest.


I deleted my almost 11 year old account and moved here because of this. I used there shitty app for way too long and after switching to Apollo i suddenly saw all the old subreddits I subscribed too become more prominent in my feed. On there app if felt like I was getting fed rage bait.

I tried to use Reddit over old.reddit and I was OK with it for a while, but I gave up when topics with barely any engagement would show up at the "top" in my feed and I would get suggestions from other subreddits that I wasn't a part of.

I can adapt to a UI given time and I did like some aspects of their new layout. I'm not on board with desperately trying to fill my feed with "something new" every time I visit the site though because sometimes I want to follow up on a topic from earlier. It just kept burying things and I switched back to old.reddit after maybe six months of trying the new one.

For the sake of the app developers, I hope Reddit reverses course, sets a more reasonable cost, or the devs find ways to hook into something like Lemmy so they can keep doing what they do best. That said, I'm happy to have found a much better community in the whole process :)

Same! I used nothin but Boost, the idea of going to their main app was atrocious, why actively alienate your userbase? They've been falling into a corporate shit-hole for too long