42 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What they really mean is: Polite to them, the people with the means of easily inflicting deadly violence upon others.

Gun ownership is just another expression of the deep selfishness ingrained in American culture.

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We’re just like the big commercial social media sites then. Sweet success!

Most of the Koopa kids were named after musicians

  • Wendy O. Williams from the Plasmatics
  • Iggy Pop from Iggy Pop & The Stooges
  • Roy Orbison, the songwriter and rock & roll legend
  • Lemmy Kilmister from Motörhead
  • Ludwig van Beethoven, obviously
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We continue to inch closer to full-blown corporatocracy. We've all watched and read enough cyberpunk to see where that leads.

You're right of course, but there's tons of individual features which can be worked on in relative isolation. The devs need help with moderation tools, performance, frontend, etc. With 200+ open issues I'm sure more developers making proactive pull requests can make a difference.

Mastodon really has top tier moderation and federation controls. Unfortunately Lemmy was very niche before the recent surge in users, so the project never got the attention it needed to get these tools ready for the current surge in activity.

In a way, Crysis. There's a reason the "But does it run Crysis?" meme exists. Because most computers could barely run it on release. It was way ahead of its time technologically.

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Great news. I think we're still not quite there yet with cultivated meat, but it has great promise. Cultivated meat has the potential to be cheaper, far more environmentally friendly, obviously more ethical, and maybe even healthier. I hope it reaches full scale production with all these benefits in my lifetime.

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No, they understand and they care... They want the poor to be trapped by debt and struggling starting at a young age.

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Beehaw only defederated from because of the currently limited moderation tools in the software. This is not going to be a problem forever.

I hope people can find communities both on large instances (Beehaw, as well on as very small niche instances. Discoverability is a bit a problem but I think over time we will find communities we like, and participate in them. What instance they are hosted on is not all that important.

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Quite a nice thing about Lemmy is modlogs are public:

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100% agreed with both. Especially DIDs just need to happen on all ActivityPub platforms. It will not only free users from being locked to an instance, but it will also allow instances to be much more flexible in scaling their capacity. is overloaded because they have too many users, and anyone who signed up there can no longer use their account. DID would allow them to immediately use their account from any small or large instance with spare capacity without changing the experience. The same would go for Mastodon.

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The Fediverse is still a strange concept to a lot of people. They assume only email is federated and the rest of the web is sites with only internally facing channels of communication.

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This is one reason why I like it here. What annoyed me on Reddit sometimes was discussing "unpopular opinions".

For example on my local subreddit people would constantly argue for more housing density, which is great for affordability but any mention of "but what about transportation infrastructure then" got mercilessly downvoted. I really don't mind people disagreeing in replies but having a whole conversation downvoted and subsequently hidden is annoying. It generally made me not want to comment on Reddit, and just let the hivemind be.

It's hard to think of a favorite, but I would consider Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2. Partly because there's still no modern game which has executed this style of game design as well as these original two games.

As someone running my own single-user Lemmy instance for a few different reasons and enjoying interacting with Beehaw (and agreeing with your community ethos!) I really think federation is great. Individual forums have a high barriers of entry. Having to check multiple pages, create accounts, learn the UX, etc. Here I can access so many great communities from one place.

Hopefully with the current surge in popularity the Lemmy project will get more developers to help out and features like powerful mod tools will allow Beehaw to better handle users of external instances. Mastodon admins seem to be able to handle Federation more easily, presumably thanks to the tooling.

It must be a problem with mod tooling. Mastodon federation works essentially the same way as Lemmy and small teams of admins seem to be able to keep instances with 10,000s of users under control.

Because what Twitter really needs right now is less engagement.

Aw man. Please tell me you are at least somehow monetizing my Personally Identifiable Information? That's the minimum I would expect from a social media platform in 2023 😉

It's good you keep putting this out there, and this messaging will have to continue. Lemmy really was not ready for this influx of users. Even Mastodon with a much longer history of active development was barely ready for its rapid growth.

This place is great regardless. Glitches and limitations and all. Thanks.

A man named Dick Pick invented GIRLS.

I think some people reacted a bit too quickly to that sublemmy appearing though.. Give admins some time to evaluate and resolve the situation before impulsively defederating an entire 6000-user instance.

Both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom have fantastic sound design. The environmental sounds of wind, water, trees and wildlife accompanied by that understated soundtrack makes you feel out in the wilds even though the graphics are minimal.

Someone should tell Retsuko about this kind of service.

If they really do shut off API access I'll go into partial link aggregator withdrawal. My Lemmy instance still isn't upgraded to the latest versions which are compatible with apps, so I don't browse on my phone.

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Spam will always be a major problem with federated platforms. It was never solved for email either. I predict Fedi will need a SpamAssassin type of platform very soon, with curated blacklists, appeals processes, and lots of heuristics...

Yes so many great games shipped on XBLA. It's how I first played Braid, Limbo, Shadow Complex, and many other indies. There's still some which are exclusive to the platform, hidden gems like "ilomilo".

Hey Stux!

Yeah YunoHost is extremely awesome. I use it to host my Mastodon and Lemmy instances. It’s just a little unfortunate that until Debian 12 is supported, their supported Lemmy version is stuck at 0.16.7. So if you want to set up an Lemmy instance today YunoHost might not be ideal.

Hopefully they can get Debian 12 and latest Lemmy support working without any roadblocks.

Yeah, this happened to Mastodon (aka the microblogging part of Fedi) also. I was on Mastodon on-and-off for years before the Twitter exodus, and it was a very different place back then. I can see why people miss the overall community on a platform before it became popular, but then I feel like ActivityPub gives us the tools to shape the communities we want, so we have to engage with it and be more selective than we were before.

Sadly, I feel like the Fediverse, based on ActivityPub, was fundamentally designed wrong for scaling potential. I do like Fedi and I like ActivityPub, but I think instances should not have to be responsible for all of this:

  • Owning user accounts
  • Exclusively host communities
  • Serving local and remote users webpages and media
  • Never going down, as this results in users and content becoming unavailable

Because servers "own" the user accounts and communities it's not trivial for users to switch to a different instance, and as instances scale their costs go up slightly exponentially.

I wish the Fediverse from the beginning was a truly distributed content replication platform, usenet-style or Matrix-style, and every instance would add additional capacity to the network instead of hosting specific communities or users.

I guess it's a bit too late for a redesign now... Perhaps decentralized identifiers will take us there in some form in the future.

Mastodon was such a freeing experience I wanted to have the "Federated social media alternative" for other sites too.

There’s many different ways DID could be implemented on top of ActivityPub. I don’t think full content replication (what you’re mentioning) is likely as that’s a fundamentally different style of protocol.

But I can imagine signing in to a different instance with my ID, at which point I subscribe to all my communities from this instance and get notifications if someone replies to one of my comments etc. Just as if I had created an account on this instance and had posted from there. It just means “your” instance can go down and you can continue future interactions mostly uninterrupted from another instance.

And it’s more useful in the case of microblogging, where with DID you can publish posts from any instance and your followers will see them. No need for a manual account migration or anything.

Hollow Knight 112% "Pure Completion"

One of my favorite games, but it's so hard.

At least 1 person on your instance needs to subscribe to a remote community for your instance to receive all (future!) posts/comments from that community.

I mean obviously "Taxation without Representation" is one of the foundational injustices which led to the declaration of independence, so I'm in favor for letting non-citizen residents vote. But if the state constitution says voting is only for citizens then maybe the state constitution needs to be amended...

A few states do have provisions for letting non-citizens vote in local elections:

It's old, but SWAT 4 is still the best tactical shooter ever made IMO.

Mods like Elite Force make the experience even better.

I was thinking a few times this week whether I should just delete my 3rd party Reddit client app now, but I think I'll wait so I get to experience the shutdown myself. Strangely exciting.

They're trying to find the middle ground. More 0% rates would destroy the economy with inflation, but 20% rates would destroy the economy with corporate slowdowns, an epidemic of bank failures, and great-depression scale unemployment. Inflation is high but trending down so they think the current policy is working.

Thanks for sharing. The Bogleheads philosophy is the best way to in our economies for regular people to maintain and grow their capital. I wish more people were aware of it.

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Economists admit they don't understand the causes of inflation, but they have some understanding why they can't understand it.

One of the main drivers of inflation is inflation expectations. If people (and investors, and companies, and countries, etc.) expect inflation and rates to go up, they will spend cash now instead of holding it. This itself of course drives inflation! And likewise if they expect inflation and rates to go down they'll hold cash and and bonds instead of investing in securities which might devalue during an economic slowdown. This makes inflation a very fickle phenomenon which cannot easily be anticipated and planned for like other economic trends.

Huh. Guess I won't be using Uber's apps then. Anytime I'm a paying customer I do not want to see ads shoved in my face. Good thing there's competition.