I keep having to upvote posts multiple times on beehaw

SirSauceLordtheThird@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 20 points –

But i dont mind though, yall are friendly enough that i want to upvote you multiple times :)


may be a rate limit, check your F12 (browser console) if on desktop.

Same on desktop, sometimes jerboa throws a timeout error.

this is how htop looks right now on the beehaw Lemmy server:

1  [||||||||||||||         44.3%] 5  [|||||||||||||||        50.3%] 9  [||||||||||||           38.6%] 13 [||||||||||||||||||     61.9%]
2  [|||||||||||            38.4%] 6  [|||||||||||||          44.4%] 10 [|||||||||||            38.2%] 14 [|||||||||||||||||||||||92.2%]
3  [||||||||||||           37.7%] 7  [|||||||||||            37.2%] 11 [|||||||||||||          39.7%] 15 [||||||||||||||         48.4%]
4  [|||||||||||||||        48.0%] 8  [||||||||||||||         47.0%] 12 [|||||||||||||          42.9%] 16 [|||||||||||            37.8%]
Mem[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                     6.93G/31.4G]
Tasks: 138; 11 running
Swp[                                                         0K/0K]
Load average: 7.52 7.84 6.97 

We're working on better scaling. Will keep y'all posted in !support@beehaw.org, please post issues with the site there for better visibility instead of the Chat community.

Just chiming in to say thank you for the transparency on this. Really great to see the backend stats as this really instills my trust in you all and it's super interesting to the inner sysadmin in me

At first I thought this was a problem with Jerboa, but now I'm seeing it happen in the desktop website as well. Will post on !support@beehaw.org.