Wow, where are my free spaces have gone to? XD to Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! – 4 points –

I guess 100GB isn't enough for me

#flatpak #btrfs #cuda #swap #snapper #pacman #systemd #dumpcore #wine #lutris #windows #waydroid

I've cleaned all caches (pacman, firefox...etc), still takes up 83GB. Summary:

  • My swap is 16GB is the biggest file on this partition.(I needed that)

  • Flatpak repo is ridiculously fat, I've not installed too much apps from it. But OBS alone is gonna take 1~2GB due to sandboxed video codec and nvidia driver.

  • Waydroid takes some spaces but not too crazy

  • I also have installed full CUDA toolkit for AI purposes. (That's another 6GB, ouch)

  • Lutris: it created a new container for each game if you don't manually configure it. Each wineprefix takes up to 700MB~2GB. (I've already deleted couple of them in the screenshot)

  • all snapshots were deleted due to no space to update

btrfs assistant duf Lutris Game Directory


I need to find a way to let pacman check free space before update as for now, I will use /tmp as cache

Last night, I run pacman -Syu update and let it run overnight.

it failed when I woke up, I didn't notice it and restart for newer kernel. Then the WM (sddm) fxxked up. I try to reboot it into mutli-user mode and reinstall kde plasma. it shows bunch of corrupted libraries errors LOL.

I took some time on internet looking for solution, finally found one. Reinstall all dependencies + pacman update cache in ram.

pacman -Qqdn > pkglist_deps.txt

pacman --asdeps -S $(< pkglist_deps.txt)

pacman --cachedir /tmp/pacmancache -Syu

Error I got is not an ELF file xxxxx file is already exist, cannot process the update