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Joined 1 years ago

opped working, and I couldn’t make it permanent. I would think you’d have to understand a bit of kernel development to be able to mitigate this is

Thank you for your share! I've seen those links before, no luck.

I think modifying MSR is what this script does. Throttled / Erpalma - Github

Real exploiters go bug hunting for zero days. The XZ thing was a humorous clown dancing a jig in a minefield. The clown spent 5 years on the sideline, then stepped on a mine immediately upon entry.

I like your last statement.

I agree that users should take responsibility for their system, I myself learned to fully encrypt my Linux with luks2 and things about secure boot, tpm2 or so.

That's why I'm making assumption of the need for non-tech savvy users, like most Windows users if they come to Linux world.



Run full load for 1min:


Certain laptop CPUs are not adequately supported on linux.

This is really sad. I found almost all **Intel Kaby Lake R ** processor suffer this problem.

Intel Core i7-8550U cpu frequency drops on high loads on Ubuntu 20.04 | AskUbuntu

What the hell is going on????

Last night, I run pacman -Syu update and let it run overnight.

it failed when I woke up, I didn't notice it and restart for newer kernel. Then the WM (sddm) fxxked up. I try to reboot it into mutli-user mode and reinstall kde plasma. it shows bunch of corrupted libraries errors LOL.

I took some time on internet looking for solution, finally found one. Reinstall all dependencies + pacman update cache in ram. https://www.reddit.com/.../recover_system_from_crash.../

pacman -Qqdn > pkglist_deps.txt

pacman --asdeps -S $(< pkglist_deps.txt)

pacman --cachedir /tmp/pacmancache -Syu

I need to find a way to let pacman check free space before update as for now, I will use /tmp as cache

Error I got libxxx.so is not an ELF file xxxxx file is already exist, cannot process the update