Cannot Change PW to Beehaw – 3 points –

I have attempted to change my password on Firefox, Chrome and Edge on Windows and Safari and Firefox on IOS. All I get is a spinning circle and no change in my PW. Not sure if anyone else has encountered this issue. I sue upper lower case, numbers and special characters of varying lengths to no avail. Not sure if anyone else has encountered this issue.


Do you have an associated email address?

I just got an e-mail PW reset request.

Quick Q. When you were putting your email address into the login page to click forgot password, did you happen to use a few uppercase characters?

Never clicked forgot password. I know my password, I just wanted to change to be a bit shorter to see if I could log in using Firefox on IOS since I presently can't. It was a thought on another strand that I brought up.

I followed the link in the e-mail and attempted to change my PW and all I got was a spinning circle to no change.

I can't login on any of my mobile devices. Does same thing as yours, get a spinning circle. Kept me from signing up as well. Ended up using a desktop pc to sign up and it works fine there. If you have a PC give that a shot.

Nope. PC running windows failed to allow me to change my PW as well. No huge worry at the moment as I know my current PW, but it is a slight concern.