74 Post – 479 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Bit-breaker working in cybersecurity/IT. Only languages I know are English and Programming ones.

Sometimes I write things about technology.

If I told you the SHA256 for this sentence starts with 'c, 5, four, a, and a', would you believe me? to see that one more often.

stop referring to the “what color is your function”

I am not sure what you mean.

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I concur.

Hey man why you talking bout me....

J/K. Thank you for the kind words. I really am happy to be able to help out here for a lot of reasons. I understand the risk, heavily, but I appreciate the trust you and the other admins have placed in me. I hoped I have shown it to be a correct decision. I want to do my best for Beehaw and what is the best. I won't say everything I do is right or the correct thing, but I normally have a reason for it.

Thank you kindly; genuinely happy to help and want to keep doing so.


I can't speak for the other admins; but this part:

Beehaw admins look out for us by cutting off instances

Isn't really a matter of us looking out for anyone else, except Beehaw really. It's us not wanting to deal with that crap and what it involves, either. Literally be nice. They weren't being nice, they don't fit the ethos here.

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And so enshrined is that final nail in the enshitiffication coffin that was Reddit. I give it 3mo before Spez leaves Reddit to focus on [whatever].

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I think that question is definitely a worthy cause, but entirely misplaced. As others said, they donated to Beehaw not to some other foundation or charity. Rainy day fund is better than an oh shit, we're broke moment. I am extremely grateful to those who have and continue to donate towards Beehaw's Cause. We need to make sure that money is used, when needed, as expected.

Let it ride.

Absolutely will cause a lot more spam to go through. But why is that the custom written moderators tool/bot fault? Why isn't Reddit the company doing more to stop or combat spam/bots? Why keep doing their job for them, for free?? If it's so damn useful (and BotDefense is), then Reddit should be doing it, or I don't know pay for that service?!

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We were not hacked. The site was taken down preemptively for security measures. Are we ok? Yet to be determined fully.

Incident response on the available systems and data, show attempted XSS comments sourced from federated instances; none on Beehaw itself. Those were deleted from our Beehaw database. Additional security measures put in place to try and mitigate XSS and other Web based exploits. Changed the Content-Security-Policy to be more strict (might break some apps). Secrets for tokens and salting passwords were changed on the backend. You shouldn't need to change your password, but it can't hurt at this point.

If you're unable to login on Firefox:

* Open Beehaw website, tools -> more tools -> web developer tools

* Delete EVERYTHING for cache, cookies, indexed db, local storage, session storage

* Ctrl+F5 the page and try to login again.
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Good to see them working on the important issues affecting Android auto.

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Next question.

The problem with forking Lemmy is in starting from all the bad that is inherently there, and trying to make it better. That is way more work than starting fresh with more developers. IE, not using Rust for a web app and UI, better database queries from the start, better logging/functions from the start; not adding on bandaids.

A fork of Lemmy will have all of Lemmy's problems but now you're responsible for them. No thank you.

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Hi, It's still a conversation and as far as I know, planned. We don't take that measure lightly though and definitely don't want to cause users frustration by doing so. There are still some major sticking points we have such as what would fit our purpose best, user friction and security, etc. Don't want to move to something else and it be worse long term.

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No way, moderation is worse and the barrier to entry for users way higher.

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It gives me warm fuzzies to see that balance going up, while at least maintaining current services. Thanks for putting it together Alyaza.

Thanks for your reports on it. We try to action it as quickly as we can, and your reporting it helps us. We are attempting a few other Beehaw-only Lemmy changes to mitigate this sort of spam; short of de-federation. One of the major issues is that Kbin does not federate moderator actions. So they could have already dealt with the spammer and removed the posts, from Kbin. Those actions don't get to us on Beehaw and the spammer posts still lives.

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Rural America sucks for a lot of things, be it entertainment, jobs or ya relationships. Especially bad for any thing LGBTQ relationship wise. A lot of the folks are still 'closeted' and so finding others is definitely hard. It's not as easy as Swipe on Grindr/Tinder and have a date tonight. Relationships, even friendly ones, take a lot more effort and work in RA.

My advice would be;; stop looking for a relationship. Tell your friend to look for things to do and places to be, situations and projects to enjoy. Put themselves into the situations they can have happiness and fun. The rest will follow. Tell them to find hobbies, be it bowling, gun range, ATVing, etc... something, anything that gets them out and around other people. And then just let it flow from there. Don't give them advice about finding a partner; give them advice to be in a situation, where they can find a friend or more, later. I get the goal, but it shouldn't be the sole goal for them. Have fun, do things that involve others. Interact, follow up, and have fun. :) Tell them not to start with the idea of finding a partner or .. FWB; but finding something they enjoy doing that involves others around. Being around people and then participating and involving them, will lead to the other goal eventually.

It will take time and repeated interactions. I think I read before, it takes ~6 or 7 interactions before someone feels friendly with another. So a one off bowling event typically won't lead to a relationship or a date. Multiples, with the same people around, has a better change. Do things; not people. ;)

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Let this be a reminder, to spread kindness wherever you go
Thank you Remington, for beeing you.

If there are moderation issues, wouldn’t it be easier to recruit more moderators?

No. The tools needed for successfully moderating Lemmy federated items, is severely lacking. The primary devs do not seem interested in making this area a priority either from their own efforts, or others submitting PRs for such. More moderators won't help when the ability to moderate isn't there.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions. I'll bring this up to the other Beehaw admins and share this thread with them.

Beehaw is still on 0.18.5 for a few reasons:

  • It's working as expected for functionality, same cannot be said for any 0.19.x release

    • See 1, 2, 3, and the matrix chat for Lemmy mods/admins; lots of reports of worse performance currently .

  • Database changes for 0.19.x release, when upgrading from 0.18.5 will cause extensive down time (based on reports of other instances). Need to plan that out and ideally TEST IT before doing so on prod. Admin team haven't had time to do that yet; life happens.

  • Pict-rs updates and changes aren't compatible with the current version used for pictrs or Lemmy. IE, once we attempt to go up to a 0.19 release it either works, or we're in a broken state with only recourse to roll back the entire system to a prior backup. Yes, we have those, yes we can do that but really don't want to.

  • Yes, Beehaw admins are still planning a move to other software. See above about the admin team time constraints.

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Just wanted to comment, this isn't a Voyager issue breaking compatibility with Beehaw. They have given us a lot of warning and efforts at keeping backwards compatibility. This was Beehaws decision to not upgrade Lemmy to a version that Voyager supports.

I've been using Immich. Very useful and easy for non techies to use. I know it says beta software, and it is; but it is more reliable than Lemmy...

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No that wouldn't do what you think it would. And don't need to stoop to that level. Show we're better by being better. That's all.


The company goes against the Linux philosophy in everything it does. Ubuntu as an OS is more like Microsoft than Linux, in spirit; we're going to tell you how the system operates and you'll deal with it. Litany of privacy issues by default. And like the Admiral says below, the insanity of snap bullshit. Oh, and then there's this crap.

Alright, apologies , I was assuming the worst with a sarcastic comment.

Eh I don't think it's malicious in nature but can't prove it either is or isn't. They might be doing more analysis on some outbound links or users for something or just A/B testing some additional methods for gathering more data. Unsure. But I wouldn't immediately jump to intentional.

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Ouch... I am happy you were able to share such a defining moment of happiness with your kiddo.

this game. One of his most recent meltdowns

I try to help my kids understand it's a game for fun. If you're no longer having fun, you stop playing.

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Hey all. Really sorry this is happening to you. This was due to an upstream breaking change for the latest. Essentially, the DB had stored dates as a 'naive' timestamp, without any timezone offset or data. The referenced Lemmy change attempts to change that to be timezone aware in all the code and PSQL. This definitely broke a lot of things. Working on implementing a fix, even if it means rolling back that update for Beehaw.

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Hey look here, our old interface while newish, is still 100% better than that other sites new interface. Look deep.

Almost every captcha implementation has an audio method in addition to the image portion. This is throwing the baby out with the bath water.

IP reputation lists, deny lists, username/email bans, are trivially bypasses and not worth the admin effort to update or maintain.

My personal opinion is, not everything needs to be an App. Beehaw is a website. I already have an app on my phone for websites, its called a Web Browser. Better to integrate well into that. We're not doing anything on Beehaw that needs to be app specific, like siphoning up contacts or your location. Just a friendly web site.

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Just going to leave this here. Go ahead, take your time.

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Working as intended then.