Twitter's short link service,, is adding a five-second delay to some domains. Like to – 303 points –

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Eh I don't think it's malicious in nature but can't prove it either is or isn't. They might be doing more analysis on some outbound links or users for something or just A/B testing some additional methods for gathering more data. Unsure. But I wouldn't immediately jump to intentional.

If adding some analytics adds 5s to the load time, then they need to fire their developers.

There's no way this is accidental.

But I wouldn’t immediately jump to intentional.

occam's razor says you should ;)

But Hanlon's razor says you shouldn't.

All right, we got a razor fight!

Hanlon’s razor says you shouldn’t.

yeah, but that applies to a problem where you don't have any additional information. if you do have background information of any kind, you would be wise to take them into account.

All right, we got a razor fight!

my razor is ready, bring it on! 😆

The fact that specific domains and user agents are effected by this says otherwise. Take a look in the link for people discussing curling the urls and their findings.