0 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I was against giving them the engagement but this is goooood

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As much as I'd love to log into Reddit and see this go down, I'm happy just not using Reddit. How much longer do you think they'll hold out?

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I'm dyslexic. Just use big words, any font that doesn't have distinct features will do.


Isreal is a terrorist state now. They've became the thing they said they're against.

I support this decision but feel like it's too late. The damage is well beyond repair.

I also host extremist LGBTQ content and you should too!

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Watching Reddit die from afar has been much better than being on the sinking ship.

If they can migrate data back to jan 1st, they can migrate everything. They choose not too.

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I was once an Italian kid. My parents would have beat me if I pronounced spaghetti wrong.

So no. They don't.

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Do it enough times and you'll get the officer who cares, and they'll be so annoyed they'll look at past calls.

I've had to deal with a harasser who was also making false calls to the police about me. Most cops suck, but eventually you get one who does their job.

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Just a reminder that other game engines exist. Some are even free and just as powerful, if not more.

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It was a critique of being raised by Italian parents in the 80s/90s. Please be aware that I made a joke

Manjaro? So it will break after a few updates?

Edit: I want more competition. Don't get me wrong. The more handhelds, the more linux, the more innovation!!

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Why remake perfection?

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Politics playing doctor. These people are just assholes who want us (trans folks) to die.

They'll just say more guns and you know it.

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I'm sorry, but are you getting your information on the effects of car detergent on the environment from an advertisement!?!?

Remember when those dish detergent ads were washing oil off birds? THOSE BIRDS STILL DIED ANYWAYS

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Those who can, do.

Those who can't, open their own university and grift people.

Yep, it hardens the system and barely affects the user. Nothing but win here.

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I ain't cheap, I just don't like my money going to billionaires who give us nothing in return. I pay for email, I don't pay to watch a Marvel film.

I don't think it's that hard.

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! is worth a sub!

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Stop using biometrics for authentication!!!!!

Edit: lots of opinions below. Biometrics are a username, a thing you are. Finger printed can be taken from your laptop with a little powder and masking tape.

Use an authentacator app or security key kids!!

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Got your Unix socks on?

Rice rocket was a term used for modified Japanese cars, and ricing your car meant turning it into a rice rocket.

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Copy them to an external drive or another computer, copy them back after.

Chances are you're gonna wanna wipe the partition table on your switch over so I'd just copy them out then back in. No point over complicating things.

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I'm always cautious when GNOME says they're reconcepting a process that we're happy with. I'm curious to see where this goes but unfortunately GNOME already lost me to KDE :(

I worry that the changes will forced.

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Start by not using Manjaro. Seriously this won't be the first time this happens to you. It's not a great distro. Consider EndevourOS if you want Arch without the command line install.

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ALSA wasn't going to take the Linux desktop anywhere

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You're hitting a Mastodon level of upvotes here!!

Rule 1 is too vague.

No illegal content, including sharing copyrighted material without the explicit permission of the owner(s).

They can defederate with any instance with this rule. Why not just say "because we want to"?

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Odd, this random github rant didn't seem to sway my opinion.

To hell with user choice, only flatpak

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Malwarebytes once again proving that its the best endpoint scanner.

Brave is security theatre and a grift.

You don't... log in with your meta account lol

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This will get patched fast. Microsoft loves the bloat!!

I'll do it for $90!

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Don't forget great USB 1.1 support

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My moneys on answering capchas.

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It's where the concert sounds best!

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Help your friends setup their own servers

Don't be a shitlord, that's the medical emergency number for Brunei

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Yeah the picture looks exactly like my experiences with Manjaro. Thanks

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