Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong? to Ask – 263 points –

This question inspired by this post..


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I'm sorry, but are you getting your information on the effects of car detergent on the environment from an advertisement!?!?

Remember when those dish detergent ads were washing oil off birds? THOSE BIRDS STILL DIED ANYWAYS

An advertisement from the official government thing over here. It's the governments own official website.

Stop freaking out over some dude online you'll never meet irl.

Collect yourself and go offline for the day, maybe try to relax for a bit and breathe some outdoor air. Have a conversation with a neighbour or local shopkeep.

Says the guy getting his information from Instagram ads.

I'm sorry I offended you. I didn't know this was an offical advertisement from the department of thing over there.

Relax, dude lol.