Can't load Beehaw on Jerboa or Connect to Beehaw – 17 points –

Starting this morning Jerboa crashes and Connect for Lemmy shows a spinner when trying to access Beehaw. My accounts on other Lemmy instances are working fine.

Is anyone else having similar issues?


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Hey all. Really sorry this is happening to you. This was due to an upstream breaking change for the latest. Essentially, the DB had stored dates as a 'naive' timestamp, without any timezone offset or data. The referenced Lemmy change attempts to change that to be timezone aware in all the code and PSQL. This definitely broke a lot of things. Working on implementing a fix, even if it means rolling back that update for Beehaw.

Thanks for the update! No need to apologize! That dropping Lemmy proposal is sounding better. 😂

(not to defend lemmy more generally, but timestamps and databases are god's punishment for the hubris of software devs)

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Ah, that explains why I was seeing Java datetime errors instead of the timestamps in Sync.

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