Can't load Beehaw on Jerboa or Connect to Beehaw – 17 points –

Starting this morning Jerboa crashes and Connect for Lemmy shows a spinner when trying to access Beehaw. My accounts on other Lemmy instances are working fine.

Is anyone else having similar issues?


Hey all. Really sorry this is happening to you. This was due to an upstream breaking change for the latest. Essentially, the DB had stored dates as a 'naive' timestamp, without any timezone offset or data. The referenced Lemmy change attempts to change that to be timezone aware in all the code and PSQL. This definitely broke a lot of things. Working on implementing a fix, even if it means rolling back that update for Beehaw.

Thanks for the update! No need to apologize! That dropping Lemmy proposal is sounding better. 😂

(not to defend lemmy more generally, but timestamps and databases are god's punishment for the hubris of software devs)

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Ah, that explains why I was seeing Java datetime errors instead of the timestamps in Sync.

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Yeah, Eternity (formerly Infinity) has this problem as well.

Uninstalled, reinstalled, no change. Lol, now I've got to get all my settings back to how they were on there. Well, no big deal.

At least now I know it's not me (or the app).

Had the problem earlier with Sync. Beehaw was down last night a bit, I assume for maintenance. Sync ran an update today and I can now access in app.

Okay, I'm just glad it's not just me, I was thinking my shitty ass phone was finally giving up the ghost.

Sort off; Jerboa started crashing a few days ago. I tried some things and uninstalled and reinstalled. I was able to login my first account, but as soon as i tried adding my beehaw account, Jerboa started crashing again. I can't even get it to open anymore. This happened both on the previous version and the newest version i installed the next day.

Definitely happening for me with Connect as well.

Same bug here with Connect (I didn't try Jerboa). After a while, I get the error "An error occured when retrieving from Details: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'bool' in type cast.".

Edit: I've just installed Sync for the first time (thus the app has no old data on my phone) and it works.