Mastodon makes a major move amid Musk’s multiple messes to – 0 points –

Federated social network adds n00b-friendly features to the 'Fediverse'


Yes, the man who says he plans to colonize Mars can't find a way to stop obviously dodgy social media signups.

tbf, colonizing Mars is an engineering problem, whereas social media is a sociological problem.

(I'm like 70% joking)

Colonizing mars is a stupid thing to do pretty much full stop.

Mars cannot be terraformed. It has no meaningful magnetic field. That's a dead end for a planet's ability to retain a useful atmosphere and ward off cosmic radiation. You'll have to live in shielded, sealed pods to survive there, always. In which case you may as well be in space with access to abundant solar energy and less of a gravity well to contend with for your frequent resupply missions. There's barely any advantage to being on Mars compared to orbiting some random Lagrange point or the sun itself. I guess you can make use of some earthworks for civil engineering? Hardly seems worth it.

There's barely any advantage to being on Mars compared to orbiting some random Lagrange point or the sun itself.

Oye Beltalowda.