Radio Free Fedi's take on Bandcamp being sold by Epic to Songtradr to – 15 points –

We really need platforms in the open source / fedi space that allows artists to get paid. It shouldn’t be hyper focused on making momey but if we don’t have ethical spaces people can making money/careers we will keep being reliant on these services run by VCs etc.

A fediverse Patreon style software should be a huge priority imo

I agree. But I prefer the Bandcamp model over the Patreon model.

Bandcamp allows musicians to provide their music with a free and pay-what-you-want option. This way all people have access to the music, regardless of their ability to pay. And the people that are able to pay can support artists with a one-time-payment.

Patreon puts a huge burden on musicians to regularly release music, imho. But that's not how independent music works. Sometimes there will be months or even years without new releases, while the artists are on tour or in the studio.

Yeah an option for both would be great. Free and pay what you want with the option of recurring donations. Would be great if it wasnt only for music like how itch has games and software and zines

TL;DR for the linked article

::: spoiler Click to expand

The author urges calm and support for artists in light of Bandcamp being acquired by a new owner. While no major changes have occurred yet under the new owners, their focus on marketing and licensing deals raises potential concerns about exploitation of artists. The author acknowledges concerns about platform changes but asks that the well-being of artists be prioritized over calls to jump to other platforms prematurely. No alternative currently provides the same level of support and ease of use for both artists and listeners. The author encourages supporting artists in the ways they request and finding solutions that allow artists to focus on creation over platform management.

Overall, the post calls for balancing concerns over the platform with support for the artists it currently benefits. :::

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