Vanilla OS 22.10 Kinetic Showcase Video to – 46 points –
Vanilla OS 22.10 Kinetic

I know this trailer wasn't targeted at me, but it didn't tell me anything about the distro.

If I had a friend say "I've been holding off on switching to Linux, but you know, that vanilla os trailer really made me reconsider," I would think, that's great...but none of it is specific to vanilla, all of that has been widely available in every Linux distro for years.

Yeah, I'm confused by this video (which is from nearly a year ago, btw). It looks like a gnome shell overview more than anything.

Also 22s of it's already brief 102s runtime was just Assassin's Creed gameplay lol.

I played with this a bit in QEMU and I really enjoy the concept but am personally holding off on installing it to bare metal until the Debian rebase comes out. I haven't used Ubuntu in quite a long time but an interim release sounds especially bad to base an immutable OS on.

Doesn't really tell me much about what the distro does differently from every other distro running gnome though