Friday Facts #382 - Logistics groups

dogpound@lemmy.worldmod to – 34 points –
Friday Facts #382 - Logistic groups | Factorio

IMO one of the best new features yet

This solves some of the most frustrating limitations of 1.1. These updates just keep getting more and more exciting, and we still have quite a while until release.

And it's even coming to the base game, definitely one of the best new features!

I look so much forward to 2.0 and the DLC!

These logistics groups seem super useful. Nowadays I always have to adjust logistics requests before e.g. building and outpost. And I always forget something, or don't have enough of something. Then I have to go back and forth, quite a hassle. This will solve so much!

It's gonna be so nice, I have multiple outposts, all with the same items. And I tweak something often, so it's going to be nice to doing it one place ! 2.0 can't come fast enough