Super Mario RPG - Nintendo Direct 6.21.2023

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Super Mario RPG - Nintendo Direct 6.21.2023

Wow was not expecting this! Used to emulate this to play back in the day but never finished it. Excited to see the new changes and I’ll definitely be picking this up!

I'm super excited. Super Mario RPG was one of my big-3 best RPGs for SNES. This, along with Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy VI forms a perfect trio of RPGs.

Rented the original as a kid and played mostly through it over the span of two days before it had to go back. A thoroughly awesome game and instant purchase for me on Switch.

I was planning replaying this again on my snes classic, looks like I'll be waiting for this now! Excited!

Given that Paper Mario originated from the original Super Mario RPG formula (and I loved Paper Mario up until Super Paper Mario), I can't wait for this. I had never considered playing the original SNES version, but this changes a lot for me. I will definitely consider getting this!

I'm in the same boat as you man. Grew up playing the Paper Mario series but never got around to trying out RPG (despite my first console being a SNES), so I'll probably end up picking this one up.

Holy crap. I never expected this one at all. Super Mario RPG is my favorite game. I thought this would never see anything ever again because of the relationship with Square. I wish it was a sequel, but I'll absolutely accept this. I haven't been actually excited for a game in a long time.

And maybe because of this a sequel will finally be made someday. I can't wait to play this.