Herzog: Arabic copy of ‘Mein Kampf’ found on Hamas terrorist shows what war is about

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – -22 points –



Im sorry but the copy they showed was pristine... In a war zone, in Palestine, where people can't get clean water...

And the terrorist had sticky notes and highlighters and never made a single dog ear, wrinkled a page or got a spec of dirt on it.

It must be the cleanest object in Gaza.

This is as believable as the 3 copies of "the sims 3" found next to the unworn swastika t-shirt was.. If you believe this is real and not just poorly done propaganda I have some magic beans to sell you.

It was also found in a Hamas base in a child’s bedroom. Which was obviously a human shield. /s

No they said it was a Hamas command post with stuffies and lego. We all know how dangerous lego can be if left on the floor!

That explains so much of the history of this conflict.

  1. That same year Kirk and his son obtained samples of plastic, interlocking bricks which inspired the later lego bricks created in 1949
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When both sides want to genocide the other a peaceful resolution seems impossible.

Only one side, Israel, has the ability and military firepower to carry that genocide to fruition. Hamas only has @ 20,000 members. It would need help from other Muslim militants to have a chance at genocide. The contrast in the power dynamic is what makes what Israel is doing especially egregious.

I agree that Israel needs to be held to a higher standard as a democracy(at least for now). However it’s a difficult question; when you have a neighbor that refuses to acknowledge your existence, that has walked away from the negotiation table numerous times, and that every few years attacks your country, and who used civilians as human shields; what is the solution? You can continue to the tit-for-tat in a never ending multi-generational affair or you can end things. It would be really nice if everyone could just get along. the majority of the Palestinians didn’t want this; and yet they are suffering for Hamas’ actions. The far right factions of the Israeli government are being opportunistic in the oppositions silence following the attack. I think the best we can hope for now is accountability, we need independent reporters there and some sort of UN intervention. It’s all so stupid I wish the world would come to its senses.

The solution: Change the conditions of the Palestinian people. Grant them the same rights as Israeli citizens. Allow freedom of movement in the country and abroad. Allow them employment and the ability to buy property. When they have the same rights as Israeli citizens, the impetus for Hamas will fall away. They will be vilified by Palestinians and Israelis.

How we get there is the conundrum. I agree that this needs UN intervention. But without United States support, intervention is moot. The first step is a ceasefire, which should be internationally supported immediately.