Well-Kept Gardens Die By Pacifism - LessWrong

Kupo_Knight@kbin.social to /kbin meta@kbin.social – 0 points –

Apologies if this is the wrong place to post but I saw the askKbin thread about hate and trolls that put me in mind of this article. I think it is something we should bear in mind if we want to foster a community free of hate.


What a great article. Thanks for posting it. I plan on sharing it around.

The only issue I take is with the author’s use of the word “fool.” Higher or lower levels of intelligence/ability may exist and are obviously acceptable, but what worries me more than this are people who are bigoted or hateful and want to spread their (lack of) ideology.

Regardless, I think I get what the author is trying to say, and overall I think it’s a great message, and especially in these early post-Reddit days that many of us are currently witnessing.

Yeah, I agree with the writer's overall point, that some level of moderation is always going to be required, but there is an elitist tone in the article that I don't care for. As someone who first gained home access to the internet at the beginning of the "Eternal September" people like the author are always moaning about, I think it's deeply offensive to write off anyone who wasn't privileged enough back then to have internet access through a university or employer as a "fool".