Firefox Developer Edition and Beta: Try out Mozilla’s .deb package! to – 23 points –
Firefox Developer Edition and Beta: Try out Mozilla’s .deb package! – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Our .deb package is now available for Developer Edition and Beta builds, alongside our Nightly package for Debian-based Linux distributions.


Just tangentially related, but what do you people like of the Developer edition over the other flavors?
I've read up in the past of its extra features and didn't see anything worthwhile, the official landing page would suggest that it's pretty much aligned with stable feature-wise

It's mostly intended for webdevs wanting access to new web standards ahead of time and extension developers, who can install unsigned/development versions of their extensions into there.

It's certainly not a must-have for any devs out there...

install unsigned/development versions of their extensions into there

That's really handy actually, I'll have to keep it in mind, thanks!

Developer edition is essentially Firefox beta, with some tweaks that developers may prefer by default, and some experimental dev features.

As I understand it, it aligns with beta, but is an early beta, meaning that while it shares its codebase, it may get access to some feature rollouts (that are gated by edition) slightly earlier than true Firefox Beta.

Oh so there is more, thanks for explaining!
The landing page mostly talks about webpage inspecting features that are also in the normal Firefox nowadays, so I was a bit confused.