Ladies! Our toilets most often are clean. Why do you still use a seat cover? to No Stupid – 0 points –

Asking for a friend. 😁


I don't often use them, but some women's rooms are not that much cleaner than men's. Diarrhea in every stall, piss on the seats, or worse blood from periods left behind. We are all human with bodily functions and some of us are gross shit leaving goblins.

How do people get period blood on the walls and floor? I never worked that out but I've seen it so many times.

I don't get it. Why are people this fucking disgusting. Clean your shit up (pun intended).

As a dude who had to clean bathrooms. You lie. Ive seen soo many nasty toilets from both restrooms whether it be be seat hoverers or from people who didnt make it.

Are you sure there isn't a little clear piss on the seat? Have you never seen dried yellow piss on the seat? Last time someone shit on the seat, was it disinfected properly or was it just wiped hard? You ever sniff a toilet seat? If you said "ew gross" then doesn't that imply it's not clean?

I find the waxy paper covers wasteful and annoying, so I just use a pair of 3 paper squares and say "good enough" after a 2 square wipe of the seat for various tinkles and hairs.