[SOLVED] How do you do spoilers on Lemmy?

TheButtonJustSpins@infosec.pub to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 11 points –



Edit: Thanks to @Antik@lemmy.ml for figuring it out!

::: spoiler BUTTON TEXT

Becomes ::: spoiler BUTTON TEXT HIDDEN TEXT :::


They work I think but they don't work on mobile at all


At least the structure is there and baked in so it's only a matter of time 😀

::: spoiler test testing

Aha! That got it. Three colons. Spoiler, then the text for the spoiler listing, an enter, n closing `::: and then it works. It doesn't work without the enter before the spolied text, which is just confusing and annoying imo. The >! Markdown is so much better.

But! You can enter anything after the initial ::: spoiler as the text to show before clicking

::: spoiler extra testing :::

It's working on mobile browser for me, but not on jerboa. Jerboa doesn't seem to recognize several markdown notations.

that's a screenshot with the spoiler entry from the little triangle with an ! In it from the entry box

Edit: and the jerboa update didn't bring full markdown support lol

::: spoiler TESTING Spoiler test test test :::

I think you want to start the spoiler with:

`::: spoiler spoiler


And then end it with


So that would equal:

::: spoiler spoiler Balls :::

Do that without the tilde.

Edit: I also just noticed that, at least on desktop, a "spoiler" button is there when you make a comment (it's the triangle exclamation mark icon).


::: spoiler spoiler

This is the spoiler text




Though I still haven't figured out how to get a line break after the spoiler on regular text.

Test: || spoiler ||

Edit: dang, didn't work.

Test: ::: spoiled? :::
