Do you have any favourite Magazines so far? to Moving to: m/AskMbin! – 5 points –

If so what are they?


@bestof is the runner up for the most subscribed 'bestof' instance in the fediverse and it's on kbin!

Also I'm the mod in the interim. Not really opposed to passing the stick forward if it takes off.

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My own Magazine: CreateCord(shameless promotion i know)

A Magazine i quite like is Omori, very small magazine but the game is something I'm passionate about and I'm very interested in helping it grow.

A magazine i regularly frequent are AskKbin and Memes

what's your magazine about?

It's about Arts, Writing, Photography, Music and Engineering. It's a Multi Purpose Magazine that aims to be a place of Creativity and Talent. A place for people to post their creativity and talent there

cool! i have a short little creepypasta type thing that i wrote for a writing prompt on /c/lemmyscareyou, would i be able to crosspost that there?

Cool I haven't played Omori whats it like?

The less you know, the better. It's a psychological horror game that took 7 years to make. It's not Undertale but it's sorta like Undertale

Go and play it, and come join us at m/Omori once you are finished