Markdown not displaying correctly in comments to /kbin – 0 points –

I viewed my own comment on both my profile and in the original context of the post I commented on. The text enclosed by two tildes previously appeared as striked through, as you would usually get in Markdown when enclosing text with two tildes. But now it doesn’t appear to be striked through, it just shows two tildes enclosing the text. I’m not sure why this is happening. It appears like this both on and

It’s also relevant that this very post has an issue. When you click on it to view it, the link appears correctly. When you just see its preview in m/kbinMeta, the link does not appear as a link but as the raw text you use to set up links with the square brackets and parentheses.


I’ve seen some strange things too with mark down especially in the title of posts if there are links. I also think the markdown processor for kbin could use an update.

I did create this this issue so hopefully there’s some better markdown support in the future.

Hey thank you! I was thinking of creating an issue myself but frankly did not want to make an account for it… maybe I should just suck it up, not be lazy, and make the account

you could for sure. If you're not using a git service for other projects I can see the hesitation of creating an account just for a single issue. But then again, Codeberg is a great alternative to GitHub. Either way I do think some minor improvements could be made.