Reddit isn't fun to – 8 points –

Just opened RiF for the first time in weeks and r/interestingasfuck wouldn't even load but I saw a post about the KKK pulling guns at an lgbt rally in Corbin.


Ha. The one thing spez didn't count on. Users actually just breaking the site. He will have so much money tied up in devs fixing all the vulnerabilities as they are revealed that he'll wish he'd just left shit alone.

I have lgbt friends in corbin/barbourville :( It's awful. I'm glad I moved out of Kentucky, even if it was to West Virginia. At least I moved into a gay friendly-ish town for work. I absolutely love the Appalachia area, but I fucking hate the people and politics here. :(

They never went away. They just hid when it was clear society would not tolerate them and now are out in full force due to all the right wing government support.