Gujarat dairy sector booming as 3.6 million farmers get Rs 200 cr (24000000 United States Dollar): Officials ,The dairy sector in the state has grown to Rs 1 trillion, they said. to World – 13 points –

In September 2022, the World Bank updated the International Poverty Line (IPL), a global absolute minimum, to $2.15 per day (in PPP). In addition, as of 2022, $3.65 per day in PPP for lower-middle income countries, and $6.85 per day in PPP for upper-middle income countries

this means the farmers in gujrat are living on upper middle range now! (555 inrs per day = 6.67 United States Dollars per day)



Actually kind of sad to see Dairy growing, most of the developed world is moving away from livestock with alternatives such as Oat Milk.

man i hope something like this happens in my state as well. cause we really need it.

our country needs to reach 20K nominal GDP per capita in order to standup to china.