Awesome Android TV FOSS Apps. A curated list of FOSS apps for Android TV to – 51 points –


Since there wasn't anything similar, i have created a list of Android apps for Android TV.
There are many other apps that i didn't test or are unknown to me.
Some aren't made specific for TV, but work without issues.
Not all are available on app stores (F-Droid, Google Play), only on git repositories (GitHub, GitLab, Codeberg...)

List: Awesome-Android-TV-FOSS-Apps


App requirements:

  • Must be FOSS (source code publicly available)
  • 90%+ must be usable with standard TV remote (D-Pad, OK key...)
  • APK available on F-Droid, Google Play, git repository... (not only the source-code)

Submit an App to the list:


It's great to see such cool FOSS options. Thanks for sharing this – super helpful!

Interesting list! I opened an issue to add Stremio to the list

Awesome list! Discovered Aerial views screensaver for the first time & I'm mind blown. Love the streamflix app too it's so slick! Great stremio alternative.