Is there a way to cancel account deletion request? to /kbin – 2 points –

I requested account deletion and it's on queue now. How do I cancel if, when it's still not processed? I didn't get any email about that, so I think it's not about mail confirmation.

Why isn't the deletion automatical process? Like on other websites, where you just click "Delete account" and it's done? From what I understand, on kbin it's manually reviewed.


Hey, I removed your account from the del queue.

Hey is there any way to change username? I took that one I was given at signup but I dont really like it, and I dont see any way to change it in the settings? Am I stuck with it?

I think there is a pull-request in for automatic account deletion, but for now the admins do it manually.

I'dd hop on matrix in the channel and ask the admins directly from there. The official room for kbin is