54 Post – 229 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I just need a little more time. There will likely be a technical break announced tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Along with the migration to new servers, we will be introducing new moderation tools that I am currently working on and testing (I had it planned for a bit later in my roadmap). Then, I will address your reports and handle them very seriously. I try my best to delete sensitive content, but with the current workload and ongoing relocation, it takes a lot of time. I am being extra cautious now. The regulations are quite general, and I would like to refine them together with you and do everything properly. For now, please make use of the option to block the magazine/author.

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I appreciate the concern, and it seems to me that kbin is no longer just one person ;) Currently, kbin is a team of wonderful people who handle development work, devops, project management, and more. Additionally, Piotr helps me with administering There will be significant changes here soon, things are happening quickly. But to be honest, I wasn't fully prepared for such substantial growth, and it will probably take some time before everything stabilizes. But... this is just the beginning ;) What's important is that the snowball starts rolling, regardless of whether kbin, Lemmy, or Mastodon gains the most users. We all win in this situation.

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It's possible that this is a consequence of the latest Lemmy update, in which a lot has changed. I have noted that kbin has some issues with request signature in communication with certain instances. I will try to check it tomorrow first thing in the morning.

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Thanks, once I deal with the formalities that need to be taken care of first, I feel like next week will bring a downpour of improvements in the release, thanks to the contributors.

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All the things you mentioned are in the roadmap. However, we can either do it quickly and potentially encounter issues in a few weeks or months, or take a bit more time for a more thorough approach. I've decided to move away from playful prototyping. From now on, every change will be tested before it's approved for - it's no longer just my code ( I'd like to close this thread for you... but can we just agree not to respond in it anymore? ;p

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Yeah, the pace is still crazy, but it's a completely different mental comfort when you're aware that you're not alone ;)

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I don't know yet. I can't wait to start getting to know all of them ;)

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Thanks for that, it's true, I need to remember especially about that last point. Later, I will write a few words about what was happening behind the scenes during these days. I wasn't there alone. Not anymore ;)

kbin is much older; it was a side project. Recently, I took it more seriously :)

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I apologize for causing you trouble. I'm trying to resolve the situation as quickly as possible, but apart from the usual spammers, there have also been organized campaigns where, for an hour on Sunday mornings, our instance was flooded with spam from hundreds of accounts. This, of course, is causing federation issues. I've changed my priorities regarding the roadmap, and additional tools will be released soon. I will also ensure additional moderation. I will also get in touch with admins from other instances - my absence was due to personal issues I mentioned recently. Thanks for your understanding, and best regards.

How can I turn it on?

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I think it's necessary to monitor the situation and how they will handle moderation, but for now, I would prefer to do it from a distance from kbin. There is currently a significant issue with moderation, and disturbing content can remain up for too long. I'm working on improving this issue as well.

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Top sorting is already available on the testnet. It will be further improved over time.

I receive support from the people here, and I also want to clearly communicate and report expenses. I feel a sense of responsibility. Many magazines have been abandoned, and that also needs to be addressed.

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I have added the option to set the entire magazine as +18, including remote. Please provide me with those here in the comments that require action.

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Now I really have to get back to my tasks, as I still have a lot to do today. But tomorrow morning, I will answer your questions. Cheers!

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It seems to me that there are several factors. Firstly, the instance was created recently, about 1-2 months ago. There wasn't even an official instance opening, you know, with cake and confetti ;) During this time, I've been observing people on the Fediverse. It's unlikely that any follows were given by chance. Later on, wonderful people who discovered kbin did the rest. That's how it is in the Fediverse. In the beginning, not everything is easy and obvious, but if you put enough heart and effort into it, it pays off in the future.

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Yes, it definitely needs to be changed. After the boost <-> fav switch, this indicator doesn't make sense anymore.

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Since then, over 230 pull requests have been accepted. I had a branch where I was working on this, but a lot of code has changed in the meantime - among other things, ex the markdown implementation has been rewritten and, in fact, some of it is now outdated. Many files will still change and be rewritten before the release.

Before the first release, it will be done properly, and I will probably seek help and consultation from the right people Currently, in the project's readme, I've clearly indicated that kbin is inspired by Postmill. Unfortunately, recently I've been overwhelmed by some personal matters, which caused me to neglect certain things. Now I'm doing everything to bring kbin to the appropriate state.

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In such important tasks, I would like to engage in community-driven development. When I start planning these tasks, I will come to you with my whiteboard and sketch out the individual stages. Together, we will look for the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution, the weak and strong points. This is to jointly make a decision on whether the change makes sense on but also in the perspective of the entire federation. It can be a great fun ;)

Sorry for that, but not all content is marked as +18. Tomorrow, I will limit the display to posts from this instance.

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Yeah, this is a consequence of recent changes. It has already been fixed on the test instances. The changes will soon be implemented on

Additionally, the suspension of other work was a conscious decision on my part. I believe that the code at this stage needs to be deeply refactored, and that's exactly what I am doing. Solid foundations are the only option for the project to survive and grow in the long term, and to be properly scalable. Adding more blocks to what I have always considered a prototype (which forks do) makes no sense to me.

Oh, well. Thanks.

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Hey, I think there's a lot of truth in that. I don't want to force anyone to stay here ;) I believe that kbin can be a stepping stone to a wider fediverse, which is great. However, I'm trying to keep the entry barrier as low as possible so that everyone can find their place here. The rest will come with time. Currently, we're working with contributors to make setting up and maintaining your own instance less of a nightmare, and it should change for the better soon.

ps. The queue of deleted accounts will be processed with the next update.

Oh, it seems like I responded in the wrong thread. But hey, it fits here too ;p

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Hey, I will get back to this thread and the comments at the beginning of next week. I am able to quickly address some of the issues you mentioned in your post. Changes will undoubtedly be implemented gradually, but for now, the redesign of the ActivityPub module takes higher priority. Once that is completed, the development of the frontend part of the platfrom will truly pick up pace.

Yes, there is a very strong team there now, and I will gradually delegate responsibility in certain areas. I need to focus on my own milestones. However, I want to do it slowly because there are many pitfalls here that are a consequence of kbin being a side project. But the organization on Matrix was amazing, and I didn't even lift a finger for it.

@BedSharkPal @Upvotes_Kills_Birds

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I assure you that's the case. These are simply tasks that require a bit more time and attention to work on ;)

Some fixes are awaiting review, while the rest is still on my local branch. On Monday morning, the changes will be pushed to testing.

This feature stopped working for some reason during the development of these software. In the coming weeks, I'll be working intensively to improve communication in the fediverse, including moderation.

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Yeah, It's true. Since Sunday, I've been noting errors that I'm still working on resolving. It doesn't make it easier that it's the post-holiday period, and due to travels and security measures, it's not the easiest task. I'm working to get everything back to normal as soon as possible.

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kbin has been used on a small instances until now. Many errors that are visible now were not apparent at a smaller scale. Notifications will be improved in the coming days, and the rest will follow suit.

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@jdp23 I remember that, and it's still high on my priority list. In recent days, the instance has been growing so rapidly that I'm focused on keeping it running until the infrastructure is in place. That will happen very soon, and then I'll be able to focus on that and many other aspects that I had to postpone.

Wow ;) I'm incredibly lucky to have come across people like you. The authors of those posts are actually right - managing /kbin is a significant challenge nowadays. It requires extensive knowledge and experience to keep it under control. But also I've never hidden that fact - the information about it is placed at the very top of the repository's readme ;) However, as I mentioned, a lot is changing very quickly And we're all working hard on it, to improve and automate as many things as possible. Thanks to all of you, I believe I can face it head-on, and together we can create a better place. Better internet. Not just this instance, but cooperation between platforms is the key here.

Unfortunately, there are delays occurring again - I've decided that smooth website operation will be the priority this time. There are approximately 450k tasks waiting in the queue, and everything will be handled, but it will take some time. Today, we're also conducting final tests of the new infrastructure. It's taking a while because we're documenting templates that can later be used by others to create their own instances. I hope these are the last issues we have to endure ;)

Thanks for everything.

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The aggregate view is in preparation still.

You are writing from your instance, so it's In the future, there will probably be some sort of suggestion when mentioning people, similar to Mastodon.

@LollerCorleone thanks for that.

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Thanks, I appreciate it :) Thanks to all of you.

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