Android's slow creep towards being closed source continues on - open source elements deprecated to – 18 points –
Android's slow creep towards being closed source continues on - open source elements deprecated

I though they'd done this sooner. In the past, as soon as they completed a Google app, the AOSP equivalent is immediately put on life support.

Sadly it's one of the (many) shortcomings of a duopoly. As long as you don't make it 'as bad' as your other competitor, what can users really do about it?

Surely LineageOS and similar projects will continue to maintain their own, open source version of the dialer and whatever else gets dropped from AOSP.

Well, that's really depressing to hear.

Linux and open source are the only reasons I use Android. Remove those two things and there is no reason for me to use it. I'll just get an iphone I guess. Or go back to a flip phone.