No Labels Is Chasing A Fantasy to – 6 points –
No Labels Is Chasing A Fantasy

There’s not a lot of love for the two-party system but no labels is chasing a fantasy. While there are plenty of independents and moderates these rarely overlap making the No Labels party a fantasy


No labels because the label "Republican" has become an anathema to good governance, and justifiably so. This is just another bunch of GOP operatives trying yet again to mask destructive policies and spoiler candidates under the guise of centrism.

Yeah its definitely a spoiler campaign overall for extreme candidates like the current Republican nominee is going to be

We already have a moderate centrist party- they're called Democrats. This is explicitly right of them, so even as an unaffiliated voter, the likelihood of NL getting my vote is roughly zero.

The fact that No Labels doesn't have a candidate yet shows its a pipedream. People vote for candidates and not labels. Not only is No Label a terrible name it is missing the key a person