
7 Post – 296 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The only reason reddit was valuable was because it was from real people who weren't paid off. Well that's ruined now.

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I think millennials and zoomer are just being open and honest about things that always happened. We love labels and with the Internet talks with other like-minded people. There have always been people who worked 9 to 5 at a job and prioritized stability over money. We are being open and bragging about it. We just want to break the hustle culture that was always a loud subset

For example my dad a peak boomer worked at the same company for his whole career and turned down "promotions" that gave a manager title with little more money. They have always been there

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How to remove micro plastics from testicles?

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How quick after IPO do they ban porn and how quick after that does the site fail?

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I know that for gay marriage and acceptance there's been some studies that having gay characters in TV helped shape public perception. I think the study was around people watching Will and Grace and Modern Family and their acceptance of gay marriage.

It's kind of beautiful that watching imaginary characters can make such a emotional impact since we bond with this "people". That's why representation on mass media is so important especially since most people won't meet a trans person in real life since they are a small percentage of the population. Especially if they are talking about their own life.

Always remember to never feed the trolls. It's a very basic Internet rule that we should have continued to follow. Block and move on

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Many people sell their bodies which we celebrate. Construction, heavy labor, mining etc. are regular people who sell their body for their living and they are all protected and regulated. We celebrate selling your body every time we watch sports for these athletes who entertain us. Every Sunday most of the US celebrates men who sell their body on the football field for our entertainment. Why is selling nude any different?

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Healthcare doesn't work as a for profit business model. High profits and high patient outcomes don't align. Profit will always win at for profits and people will suffer

How we removed testicles from micro plastics?

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The sudden influx of random racists on a local space after a tragedy is cliche at this point. They are just waiting in the wings to spread some nonsense and pretend to be from there.

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I'm surprised that MAGA and trumpism isn't just a kink play scene. The images are all an over the top fertile homoerotic muscleman. They are always talking about cuckolding and there's always some strange power dynamics at play. Throw in racist and sexist undertones and you got everything. You couldn't make it more of a kink power play / humiliation / cuckolding scene if you tried.

The fact it's a legitimate political movement is what is odd about it.

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120 jobs aren't that many to apply for. I applied for 99 during my last job search granted it was over a few months but still. For an AI tool it should be much more

Exactly. I want to watch 1 show and when I'm done I'm cancelling. I'm looking at your paramount plus.

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Bring it here. We need good moderators. Welcome back to the original corporate free Internet. It's great

Obvious affect from a terrible dumb decision. I can't wait for the baby to be charged for murder for engulfing another embryo in womb. Or for twins to claim to be the same person since they were one embryo at one point.....

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Muppet Christmas Carol.

A reminder that the true meaning of Christmas is scaring rich people into being more generous. Also Kermit

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The Humor bot bit about non-binary computers really for me. It was fast, odd and kind of strange. It was the best joke of the episode

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I traveled last summer to Europe and I remember thinking about how cheap every meal was compared to back home. I don't even live in an "expensive" city

Especially for lunch, pubs and food halls. They were designed for regular people with deals and prices where you can have it everyday. This is even in expensive Norway and Denmark. I got a good hot dog for like 5 bucks cheaper in Scandinavia than back home. It's ridiculous

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This is the start of the idea that a man owns this wife and the rest of his family. This is just the start of the domination and control for hierarchial power. Keep this in mind for all the talk about school choice

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Still haven't affected me yet but I'm glad there's some forgiveness. I just keep waiting for mental health practitioners forgiveness. Since most don't work in "non profit" hospitals they have been missing out on the forgiveness. Even though most make little when large amounts of debt from maters programs.

I'm still happy there is some forgiveness though

A good article especially when it starts talking about platforms as infrastructure. It getting readily apparent for everyone that the centralized monopoly by a single large entity to regular control and profit off of these platforms doesn't work. I can't work profitability and the power imbalances cause issues. I am surprised they don't talk about open source or regulation. We should treat all social media platforms like we do email with a standard technical method that completely interconnects with any sources. Like we are doing here in the fediverse

I remember hearing all of the Trump appointees being so angry that no one in DC wanted to date or sleep with them. What did you expect to happen? Taking away women's right isn't the turn on you think it is

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I've really been seeing this for programming questions and it's infuriating. It's dozens of different sites that are either copying the one stack overflow forum or an endless repeat of the same question. It wasn't even 2 years ago that you could find the answer easily. Now it's all crap and so hard to find the official documentation.

The lesson should be that these Christian nationalists are coming for everyone. You don't get a pass for being a "good one" if you deviate from their standards.

Their sexual standards are everything except sex between married couples for procreation is wrong. The sodomy laws included making oral sex between heterosexually married couples illegal. They aren't just coming for trans people they are coming for them first. The rest of us are coming next.

Hermes isn't an accountant he's a bureaucrat.

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I think everyone is seeing that the worth of social media isn't worth what you need to pay now

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Bad year to NCAA player. Getting harassed by racists left and right

This is great news. It's glad that the government is helping with something that everyone agrees should happen. Take these empty businesses and make them homes. It's about time and I'm glad it's happening

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Love to keep seeing this. Not sure when it is going to come to me and my family but I am sure its life changing for people today. Good for them and lets keep this gravy train going.

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This is really true when you think about how much wages have fallen behind for years. To make up that much ground there needs to massive raises. Like the ones won by UAW recently. It will take time until that happens

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There's a lot of cultural forces keeping people at jobs. We're told to never quit from everything. We're told it in school, movies, sitcoms and stories so it feel wrong and bad to quit. Especially true for work. The Office made Josh Porter the villain for quitting a failing paper company for a senior position at a successful company. And that's a feel good sitcom

Not too mention that our work is highly tied to our identities to a fault. The classic first question you ask anyone is what do you do for work. Not too mention the guilt business put on people to come in because their coworkers have to fill in. Since most people like their coworker this feels like letting them down. But it's the company letting them down by not replacing you or staffing at the correct level.

So everything you are feeling is normal especially if you have never quit a job before. It's hard but you are going to feel amazing when you do it. There's no feeling like quitting a job you hate

Stop the count. All valid results are in

Very understandable for a millennial and younger audience. I remember multiple apps and web services turn from cheap useful tools into crap. Airbnb, Uber, Lyft, every food delivery app were all great at one point until the late stage capitalism machine hits. They all destroy themselves to hit profitability targets that no company can achieve.

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Everything I can find online seems to be advertisements or paid reviews (Also advertisements) when looking for anything anymore. Businesses are terrified of an open honest conversation about what is good and what is not

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If courts were to adopt the plaintiffs’ argument for standing, these experts said, emergency room doctors could sue over almost any regulation that impacted their workload, from oversight of guns to alcohol to teen drivers.

I think this article really shows the ridiculousness if the doctor did have standing to sue like this. It really opens a big can of worms most of which conservatives would not enjoy

States should not control immigration policy full stop. It's in the constitution explicitly.

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I was part of the great Digg migration and now the great Reddit migration....

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It feels like this might be the only thing that gets movements from Republicans. They seem to only care and businesses

Gamegate was 10 years ago. It was terrible then and really ruined the Internet. Assholes learned of they were big enough assholes they could get what they wanted. Social media companies learned that assholes get more attention and get them more money. Traditional media learned that reporting on the social media assholes got them more attention. Now it's all assholes all the time everywhere.

I'm pretty sure there at this point there will be multiple speakers without a year tenure. It's going to be a terrible time for us all

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