FOSS for encrypted storage container?
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I have a bit of data that has to be encrypted and stored into a file so that it can be moved across file systems and possibly OSes. Disk encryption like dm-crypt and a loop device isn't appropriate as it may not exist on another OS.
It's been a very long time since I needed this sort of software. More than a decade ago I used TrueCrypt. I know that VeraCrypt is the current re-incarnationn of the project. Is that still the go-to software for this sort of application? Is there something else that's popular these days?
You could use something like Cryptomator, but it's more focused around cloud. Veracrypt is still the go-to for offline encryption.
Yep, Veracrypt is my go to this has some other options you might be interested in
I use both VeraCrypt and Cryptomator.
Cryptomator works best for cloud storage but I have a few local stored Cryptomator vaults and they work beautifully.
If that's useful to you, you can sync AND E2E encrypt with rclone and some cloud storage.
I usually use 7-Zip with AES-256 encryption.
Otherwise, it seems like Veracrypt is still the de facto standard for file based encryption.
Picocrypt seems to be promising too:
Lots of options available. You could just create a tar or zip archive and run it through gpg encryption. You could use something like duplicity which can do that for you, is cross platform and works with a lot of cloud services. Borg and restic also come to mind.