Use YAD/Zenity dialogues to populated variables in a bash script? to – 15 points –

I am learning some bash scripting.

I am interested to learn about getting input for my scripts via a GUI interface. It seems that yad (forked from zenity) is the most robust tool for this. (But if there is a better choice I would like to hear about it too.)

Is it possible to obtain 2 or more named variables using yad? Not just getting the values based on their positions ($1, $2, etc), with awk. See "What doesn't work" spoiler for those.

::: spoiler What doesn't work I find how to obtain one named variable, for example:

inputStr=$(zenity --entry --title="My Title" --text="My Text:")

I also find solutions relying on opening single-variable dialogues sequentially but that's a terrible interface.

Everything else relies on chopping up the output with awk or based on the positions, $1, $2, $3 etc. In this script $jpgfile is obtained:

jpgfile=$(echo $OUTPUT | awk 'BEGIN {FS="," } { print $1 }')

This seems unmanageable because adding a new field or failing to provide input for a field will both change the output order of every subsequent value. It's way too fragile. :::

For a simple example, I want to ask the user for a file name and some content. Creating the dialogue is like this:

yad --title "Create a file" --form --field="File name" --field="Content"

If you fill both fields the output in the terminal is file|this is some text|. How do I get them into variables like $filename and $filecontent? So then I can finish the script like this:

touch "$filename"
echo "$filecontent" > $filename

Is this possible??? I do not find it anywhere. I looked though all kinds of websites like YAD Guide, yad man page, smokey01. Maybe I missed something. On yaddemo I read about bash arrays and it seemed to come close but I couldn't quite piece it together.


If you fill both fields the output in the terminal is file|this is some text|

Wouldn't it be easy to get them using awk by defining | as a field separator?

It is the only solution I found. I described it in the post but put it behind a "spoiler" "What doesn't work" to make the post shorter.

This seems unmanageable because adding a new field or failing to provide input for a field will both change the output order of every subsequent value. It's way too fragile.

Try something like IFS='|' read f1 f2 < <(zenity <...>) where f1, f2 etc. are variable names.

If you leave some of the field blank will it be able to skip assigning the respective variable? That's one problem with the positional values.

grep sda /etc/mtab 2>&1 tee /tmp/tab.txt | yad --title="output" \ --width=154 --text="$(cat /tmp/tab.txt)"


I'm not sure if that is working properly on my system. It opens a dialogue box that just has content "" with cancel/ok buttons .

I tried populating a file tab.txt with a few lines because I am not sure if my results from the first part are what's expected, which is 1 line. No matter what the content the best I can do is get the first line to show in the dialogue but not in an interactive way.

Tbh having a bit of a hard time following what's going on with 2>&1 tee. But I am not sure how it could be the right thing as I don't see more than input?

What I want is to open a dialogue like this:

yad --title "Create a file" --form --field="File name" --field="Content

where the user's input gets directed to some sort of structure. Like an argument As though you had a terminal script with the syntax scriptname --filename="file.txt" --content="red green blue".

Did I miss what you are asking or is this it?

cat /etc/mtab 2>&1 | tee /tmp/tab.txt | yad --title="output" --width=154 \
--text="$(cat /tmp/tab.txt)
