vandalizing rule to – 429 points –

Wikipedia doesn't follow its own rules

It has its own group of elitist editors that use accrued reputation to control certain areas of Wikipedia in their interest

Wikipedia editing is not democratic and that is why I don't largely trust Wikipedia and prefer other reliable credible sources

I think if it was democratic, I would trust it even less. Relying on democracy in a community when specialist knowledge is required to understand a topic is a major factor that contributed to the creation of such abominations as anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers etc.

I mean duh, they're a centralized service owned by a company worth millions of dollars, the idea they are a democracy is an illusion.

Also funny how they're a multimillion dollar company who's main source of income is what basically amounts to cyber-begging.

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Like violators will be shot and survivors will be shot again?