Mass #RedditMigration to Reddit – 28 points –

IF you think its gonna get worse when all the redditors come over cause of third-party apps getting squashed wait until reddit shuts off old reddit. Hell will break loose!


I feel like the Venn diagram of old reddit users and people who already left is a single circle.

I've pretty much fully migrated to the fediverse, but there's still some small communities on reddit I check on that haven't/won't move. If old.reddit gets the axe then I guess that will be that, as there is no way I'm using their piece-of-shit app.

I wouldn’t put it terms of “worse”. The fediverse is growing in users and that’s a good thing. It will be A LONG TIME before the fediverse approaches a user base like Reddit. It should be quite a nice place for a long time until that day.

Yep. Still using old.reddit for looking things up until we get more content over here. Can't stand being asked repeatedly to install the app or log in. Once old.reddit goes away, I consider that data gone for good.