The Titan Submersible Was “An Accident Waiting to Happen” to World – 9 points –
The Titan Submersible Was “An Accident Waiting to Happen”

I knew he was an ass, but this takes it to an entirely new level. Almost every expert in the matter was telling Stockton Rush that the Titan would implode and he ignored them for over 6 years. Not only that, he actively sued a whistleblower and essentially threatened him with bankruptcy to prevent him from going public with the very legitimate safety concerns. And he also organized the dives and payments in such away as to avoid any kind of regulation or penalty whatsoever.

A completely brutal dissection of all of the failings of Stockton Rush, his hubris and those at OceanGate who were complicit in his insanity. So many times people raised warnings about this thing and instead of heeding them, the response was to sue the whistle-blower, who due to the way the US courts are structured (that is to say incredibly skewed toward the wealthy), had no choice but to withdraw his complaint.