Automatically Clean Cookies for Some Sites to – 19 points –

Normally I want to accept most cookies and not delete them.

There are two sites that I want to delete cookies when I navigate away from them.

If I outright block cookies on these sites, they don't work properly.

I've tried a few cookie extensions and can't figure out how to basically whitelist everything except these two sites without manually whitelisting everything.


why do you wanna accept most cookies if you donmt mind me asking?

It seems to make life easier with all the stuff I log into all the time. The whitelist is much larger than the backlist.

I personally don't agree with this as anything except things you log into often should be considered untrusted. But that's me

As far as I know this should work: Cookie AutoDelete -> Settings -> List of Expressions -> Create Default Expressions Options -> _Default:WHITE -> Check Keep All Cookies.

Yeah so that gets me the whitelist, I figured that part out, but then where and how do I blacklist the other sites?

Go to the website you want to block and click on the Cookie AutoDelete Icon. Then click on new Whitelist and uncheck keep all cookies.