Top UN Court rejects South African request for intervention in Rafah to – 39 points –
Top UN court rejects South African request for urgent measures to safeguard Rafah

Interesting considering the number of people who took the last ruling as proof of a genocide. I'd have expected the Court to intervene if they felt that way.


The UN is a corrupt, toothless, incompetent waste of money. Its situations like these they should be leading the way in negotiating cease fires, taking legal action to protect the weak and oppressed, and if necessary, stopping them by force.

If the UN did it’s fucken job, dictators like Putin wouldn’t exist.

If the UN weren't what seems to be controlled by Muslim ruled countries, Iran and Saudi getting turns as head of the human rights commission, do you think they'd have more respect?

Seeing some of the worst human rights violators getting those chair roles really made me question WTF was going on with that organization.

i think it's still fair to say the last ruling is significant.

I'd agree, I'm just interested in how those claiming that the last ruling was a clear indictment are reconciling this latest ruling. I fully expected the Court to tell Israel to gtfo of Rafah but it seems like they're looking at this like it's a conventional Urban war based on this ruling.

given the amount of influence Israel has though I'm not sure how strong they'd make their statements, the US still supports them

I mean..... we've seen the bias show thru at the UN without US interference before. Israel has more human rights censures than any other middle east country for example LoL. The panel is CLEARLY able to pass judgement, the US steps in before the resolutions are passed though at the lower levels.