Mastodon down? to – 0 points –

Hey guys! I was wondering if Mastodon is down or something cause I’ve been trying to login and see all the content there but apparently it’s either really slow or it’s just straight not even working. I did check my internet but it’s working for me on all other websites. Just wanted to make sure!


Mastodon can't be down just like the entire Internet couldn't be down. A Mastodon instance could be down. You didn't tell us what Mastodon instance you use (like, what's your Mastodon username), so it's difficult to answer your question.

For example, if you're, you could check if is down.

depends on your instance lol
the one that I am using is working juat fine
while fosstodon was down a few minutes ago
so the beauty of Mastodon is that it will fully down only arond the time that whole internet goes down