
28 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Still better than that Swarovsky Antivitus

this image is all over the internet, why does image search show only this one on 9gag, wtf

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Listen, strange penguins biting people is no basis for a system of government.

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Funny how people tend to quote Linus Torvalds on technical issues in order to prove a point. I hear the guy barely made it through college.

Actually, I lied about even that. I was thrown out of fourth grade because I couldn't write my own name, and it's been all downhill from there. I had to lie about getting into college just so that I'd have better chances of making a career here at McDonalds - if you have a college degree (or you lied about having one), they don't make you scrape the burger pans.

heh, he had good sense of humour already back in 1999

I wonder how angry will the maintainers be in 2036:

aaaa, why do we have to support this ancient release, why did we promise 12 years of support

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Well they uave been familiar with the Federation for very long time.

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gotta fail fast

Will it have any fallback systems so that it remains playable even when servers go down?
if not, it is another candidate for stopkillinggames.com

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this is just one of the instances
there are many more instances according to https://farside.link/ (which is a thing that will automatically redirect you to one of them: https://farside.link/teddit/ ) so by using this, you help reduce the load on individual instance, resulting in less "too many requests" errors for everyone.

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ZP ran for a very long time. At this point I am not even mad that it ends.
someone go check what are some longest running web series and where does ZP stand on that list

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didn't read the article because it wants me to disable adblock
but wow, the title really triggers me
do normalfriends really do nothing else besides take pictures and videos with their phones?

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Check if whatever is left of Mycroft AI has anything useful for you.

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doesn't Steam Hardware Survey report way higher percentage of Linux users?

(Statista, Blackdown)

wouldn't Valve's numbers be more reliable?

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this is what open source dialer app died for?

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there is FunkWhale
not sure how it compares to SoundCloud, but it is certainly some sort of successor to GrooveShark

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lol this reminds me of psDoom
video of it in action:

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this proxy does not seem to be working for me
but then again, the LibRedirect extension automatically sent me to this site, where I was able to read the article just fine:

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so this is similar to LibRedirect?
check out this list of privacy frontends and see if you can implement any of them in Predirect

Also, I see that you only handle one instance for redirect. Either the default instance or custom instance.
Consider implementing multiple instances. Here is list of instances that LibRedirect uses:
Here is a list of instances that Farside.link uses:

Both LibRedirect and Farside still have to deal with the rate-limiting problem with Youtube and Reddit and I assume other sites as well. Invidious instance or Teddit instance can be rate-limited, resulting in video not playing or post not showing up.
If your extension does not distribute user traffic across multiple instances, then I assume that your chosen instances will get hammered into ratelimit even faster than other instances.
So consider thinking about solution for this.
One of suggestions that I like is to allow user to provide an URL to a list of instances.
That way, someone or some automated system can periodically compose a list of instances and users can "subscribe" to that list.

Also some useful links:

Heard of FunkWhale? The open source, federated audio platform?
I hope that it gets to be as good abd popular as GrooveShark was.

also !funkwhale

Problem is that the whole concept of advertising is "telling other people what to do".

  • People use Google.
  • Google tells people to use Chrome
  • Chrome becomes most popular browser
  • Chrome removes the " this site has RSS" icon from URL bar
  • People forget that RSS is a thing
  • People now rely on Google News and other biased sites to get information
  • biased sites tell people what to do

RSS is freedom
go tell other people to use it
also Lemmy RSS community

You could have system monitor open in order to check what happens with Firefox process when the browser freezes.
See if you can find a reproducible way to freeze the browser. That way you can start to narrow down the cause of the issue. You could stay on the older version of Firefox and only update once the next version is released.

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sup dawg, head you like announcements, so we announced our announcement in our latest announcement

sup dawg, heard you like advertisments

Yes, and there are probably other FOSS applications for that as well.
But it is a bit sad to see that Google considers the "phone" part of the "smartphone" be so obscure functionality that they left it's development to community.
Maybe I should stop living in the past and just accept that the glowing rectangle that we carry around is actually a tiktok machine that can occasionally do some other stuff as well.

*laughs in OSMAnd*

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I want the effort that would otherwise go into making camera even better to go into making other aspects of phone better. Figure me out a better battery instead, give me more features that make my phone capable of doing tasks that can currently be done only on computer, stuff like that.

GotHub seems to display basic GitHub stuff decently well.

This article makes it look like EU CVP defines "metaverse" as "lol connected stuff I guess" and not as "VRChat by Zucc".
Which is good.
Still, I wonder if they will take (and contribute to) ThirdRoom or Mozilla Hubs instead of reinventing the wheel when they come to the VR part of their plan.

so this is something similar to https://celestiaproject.space/ but made with Godot engine?
sounds cool. Now we just need to convert it into a space-themed game.

this meme was the inspiration for the name of the self-hosting project YUNOhost https://yunohost.org/

Something like Cryptpad Form?

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there is a #dead_game_news channel in AF Discord
and there is !accursed_farms, but there is not much going on in there.

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as the article points out, they did actually do some good things
also, check out VSCodium. A cleaned up version of VSCode (I assume that name was inspired by Chromium, a cleaned up version of Google Chrome)

Wikipedia is usually a good place for descriptions and definitions
Check out this article about Lemmy and feel free to make improvements to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemmy_(social_network)

truly we live in a bizarre world

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which is why we need to support developers of custom ROMs who are giving us lightweight open source alternatives.
Is there any way we can help steer the direction of AOSP?

>Ctrl+F cockpit
>0 results
my dudes, I am dissapoint

but ok, yes, for actual remote desktop, VNC or RustDesk, despite RustDesk being some open-core implementation that holds the good stuff in the proprietary release. At least it was when I last checked it out.