May 13th one Patriot Air Defense shot down 4 maybe 5 Russian aircraft to – 41 points –
A Ukrainian Patriot Missile Crew Shot Down Five Russian Aircraft In Two Minutes—And Possibly Forced The Kremlin To Rethink Its Tactics

From the article:

  • Su-34 fighter-bomber
  • Su-35 fighter
  • Mi-8MTPR-1 model carrying Rychag-AV radar-jamming equipment.
  • Mi-8 (Possibly search-and-rescue)
  • I don't read any indication what would be the 5th aircraft

The Patriot crew that day probably:
featuring a screen capture of the rapper Ice Cube driving a car accompanied by captions recalling positive events that conclude with “it was a good day.”

Let's hope Ukraine takes good care of those Patriot systems. They seem to be the most valuable target for Russia now.