17 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The Princess Bride.

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Russia will soon have the largest submarine force in the world.

My guess is it's really a 40-year-old morbidly obese man in his skidmark underwear living in his mother's basement that has never worked a job before.

I would say eat the rich but I would hate for someone to get that sick.

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And freetube is making it so much better.

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This is a small stop gap, and we already know the Mega GOP are against supporting Ukraine. The US has a lot of support going to Ukraine, so this little gap isn't going to hurt them. The training for F-16 is already paid for so they is no stopping that, same with tanks. The good thing is the non-Mega GOPs are starting to distance themselves so hopefully that makes them more willing to compromise with the Democrats so things can get done. You know how the government was set up to work.

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I have never been worried about the advancement of technology. I am worried about the people that control the technology.

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It's about the money and power.

Should this read the EU forces them to use the USB-C.

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I might have to rejoin them and help posting

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Don't, find local homeless charities and give them food or money. This way the food is keep safe so it doesn't make the person sick.

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To be fair if I see a sign saying they support Trump, GOP, or anti-LGBT I keep walking on by. I have seen many places that say if you are a bigot, sexist, or racist you are not welcome here. Those are the places I spend my money at.

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It depends on if the super-wealthy can figure out how to make money off of it. If they can then all the politicians will fall in line because you don't say no to your main source of income.

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And I am sure any costs Apple gets from this (legal costs and fines) will count for a small % of the profits they made from this practice.

To be fair many companies who said you have to return to work did this as they knew they had to do lay offs. It is cheaper if people just leave and you don't have to pay a severance pay.

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A lot of the school system is set on many of the people in the country being farmers so you do a lot of scheduling to allow them to work on the farm. This is why do you get the summers off and some other vacations that fit with other major times for growing crops?

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Why are people surprised that Russia lies? That is the only thing they do that your can count on.

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There is a lot that is missing, your body has to do a lot just function. We get so used to seeing these things that when you don't it looks just wrong. It's the same issue that is showing up when companies try to make robots with human faces, they are not doing the normal things a person's body does and this looks just wrong to us like something is missing. That is why it's better to make robots that don't look too close to humans so it don't look so weird.

When enders game came out there was a big issue about the author of the books bring very homophobic because of his religion. I made a donation for the same price as the tickets to a pro LGBTQ+ org and still went. If your MIL gets snarky just put the donation under her name and put her email in. I would do that the next day so there is no fight and it messes up the kids time.

For companies like this when they get caught the fine should be what they made on profits from the illegal act plus a fine.

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I am so surprised about this, who could have seen that coming /s

I don't see this ending well for Russia. You have a few things that can happen. 1. They get called out and they are bluffing, making them look even weaker. 2. They attack and Ukraine sinks more ships making them look weaker. 3. They attack a cargo ship and this escalates one or more countries to take military action against them. 4. Nato works with Ukraine to find another way to export grain and sunflowers so Russia no longer has this as a bargaining chip. 5. They attack a ship from a major country (USA, UK, France, China) and all hell breaks out.

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This is also a way to help out their new best friend Russia by pulling attention from Ukraine. It Russia takes Ukraine it will gain a lot of power, money, and military technology. With how much Iran is helping Russia now you know Iran will get a nice cut.

I just use Firefox, not seeing any reason to download a extra app

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This is one of the cases that I feel a government should be able to directly fine the higher ups in companies that are ignoring the sanctions. We are confiscating the Russian millionaires why not ours for the same crime.

I switched to Proton for email, cloud, and VPN.

What doesn't raise oil prices?

What will these do it's like building a gate with no wall around it?

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That is what happens when you steal from the rich.

They don't have anyone to do the normal everyday work already. Ukraine isn't going to be able to target anything in Russia because it will just blow up from over worked under trained employees.

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Thank you duckduckgo and Firefox

I switched my VPN to Moldova and I haven't seen a add, some of these small countries it's not worth it to have ads.

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I think if he runs then he will lose because he has burned bridges with a lot of Republicans and swing voters. Biden is doing a pretty good job and with Desantis he is pissing off a lot of Republicans also.

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If he did this I hope he sits in prison until he dies.

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A lot of AA for the winter would be great

White and Dark meat, now I want to try dinoaour buffalo wings.

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Worse is going to work, best is leaving work

As always society has to drag religions kicking and screaming to the future.

I will go on to check the Ukraine subs as I have friends in Ukraine. I also check out some local ones, and also /PICS as it's now NSFW so Reddit can't get any money from that. In the Ukraine and Local ones, I do take a lot of posts and put them here to help out the communities here grow.

The amount of heat we would put in the ocean from this would be like pouring a cup of hot water into one of the great lakes. This isn't a issue and would be better for the environment as we are not using all these power hungry ways to cool them.