Opinion | As Biden ignores death in Gaza, the ‘Dark Brandon’ meme is unfunny and too real

Collision Resistance@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 8 points –
As Biden ignores death in Gaza, the ‘Dark Brandon’ meme is unfunny and too real | Moustafa Bayoumi

You mean dressing up someone as a political boogeyman and perpetuating a cult of personality for the sole reason of antagonizing another political party is NOT how you like to be seen through the lens of self reflection?

Crazy. But ultimately if someone decides "dark brandon" isn't an image they want to perpetuate, fine - but don't back off something because it "looks bad", back off because you learned something, or your perspective actually changed.

Whaaaaaa you mean the mid right guy is still super right wing?!

Whoda thunk